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Bay Area Bird Photographers (BABP)

Every Bird Every Where All At Once
by LC (also known as Stega)

Description - For over 20 years I have taken pictures of birds in various places around the world. For 9 of those years I have posted images and stories documenting our efforts to restore native habitats and encourage wildlife to thrive at our small ranch in the east San Jose Foothills.  What was originally a desolate over-grazed landscape is now a thriving hotspot with over 40 species of birds in residence at any time, plus hares, coyotes, deer, skunks, possums and even badgers.  While we’ve been working with a larger plot of land than most, I hope to inspire others to make room in their own spaces, yards and balconies for nature and thus to also be able to take pictures of birds every day. I believe that you can take pictures of birds anywhere and any time.  

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Passcode: 544409