We have so much more than bird seed! Here are some items available from our Nature Shop:
New items in our Zazzle Store
We also have posters, mugs and more in our Zazzle Store, featuring original artwork by Matthew Dodder.
Nature Shop Hours
Monday-Friday 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM
We welcome you to stop by our Nature Shop and Library located at McClellan Ranch Preserve in Cupertino. While you are there, exercise your birding skills on a walk along the preserve's interpretive trail.
Nature Shop
Our Nature Shop stocks a variety of nature-related merchandise. All proceeds from sales support the Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society.
What’s New?
Check out our growing collection of new and used field guides and birding reference books.
Pick up a copy of our all-new Checklist of Birds of Santa Clara County!
The nature shop is delighted to make available honey made right here at McClellan Ranch! Come check out the different sizes available today.
The Rolling Hills 4-H collecting honey from local bees at McClellan Ranch
Our merchandise includes
Breeding Bird Atlas of Santa Clara County - A species-by-species account of the 177 bird species that breed in the Santa Clara County. Includes an illustration, in-depth description, and detailed breeding map for each breeding bird species. 550 pages. Published by SCVAS in 2007
Birding at the Bottom of the Bay - Revised Third Edition published by SCVAS in 2002
Field Guides - A selection of bird guides and other nature guides, both domestic and international. We can help pick out a guide to fit your needs
Bird feeders - Squirrel-proof models (see our article about bird feeders) and models for specific species of birds
Bird food - The best bird seed and peanuts for our local bird population
SCVAS partners with Los Gatos Birdwatcher to provide seed to our customers
For kids - Audubon Plush Birds With Calls, Bluebird nest box kits, magnifying bug viewer, bookmarks
Clothing - T-shirts, long-sleeved denim shirts, and more! Show off your SCVAS or birder pride.
The SCVAS Library contains over 1,300 donated books related to birds and birding, plus many current bird-related periodicals. The library also contains files of bird site checklists. We encourage members to check-out books, including birding guides to take on domestic and international vacations. This is a valuable resource for birders who don't want to purchase a guide for every new place they visit!
Book donations are happily accepted.
Banner Photo Credit: Acorn Woodpecker by Chuq von Rospach