We’re celebrating 100 years of conservation and community! Join Santa Clara Valley Bird Alliance for a month-long celebration of birding, local conservation efforts, environmental education, and the amazing community of nature-lovers who make Santa Clara County a great place for humans, birds, and wildlife to live. SCVBA will be hosting a members banquet featuring birding legend, Kenn Kaufman, on October 3rd, holding a festival for nature lovers all day on October 4th, and we will be featuring some of our favorite partnerships and open spaces with special events throughout the month of October. Keep an eye on this page for further updates!
Members Banquet
Join us for dinner and a program with Kenn Kaufman at the Los Altos Community Center on Friday, October 3rd.
Registration coming soon.
Join us at West Valley College in Saratoga on Saturday, October 4th.
Young Birders Club campus birding
Nest box building
Nature journaling workshop
West Valley Bioblitz
Arts & crafts
Want to learn more about what’s going on in the birding and conservation community? We will be featuring speakers from our local conservation community and the larger birding community throughout the day
Special Events: (Coming soon!)
We’ll be holding field trips to restricted access sites, host some special leaders, and holding collaborations with some of our partners!
Banner by Chris Johnson