Santa Clara Valley Bird Alliance’s newest education initiative, the Oak Savanna Community Science Project (OSCSP), consists of high-school field trips along with bird and wildlife studies in the North Coyote Valley Conservation Area.

This project includes:

  • Periodic Bird Surveys to determine changing bird populations and how they use this habitat

  • Quarterly bioblitzes to catalog the species diversity: plants, insects, reptiles, amphibians, birds, etc.

  • A high school program involving classroom time and field trips to the North Coyote Valley Conservation Area

Prairie Falcon predating on Killdeer at Laguna Seca — photo by Barry Langdon-Lassagne

Prairie Falcon predating on Killdeer at Laguna Seca — photo by Barry Langdon-Lassagne

eBird Bar Chart — Note the lack of data for most months. Our monthly bird surveys will be gathering data year-round to fill in the gaps.

Birds of interest that we hope to find at Laguna Seca and the surrounding hills include Greater White-fronted Goose, Wilson’s Snipe, Burrowing Owl, Ferruginous Hawk, Prairie Falcon, Yellow-billed Magpie and Tricolored Blackbird.

BioBlitz Reports:

2016 Coyote Valley Bird Report

The Oak Savanna Community Science Project was funded in part by the Open Space Authority Urban Grant Program (Here are the 2020 grant recipients). Read the Santa Clara Valley Greenprint to learn about their conservation goals.