Action Alerts

SCVBA sends alert emails to members of our Action Alert Network when action is required on an important conservation issue in Santa Clara County. Examples include attendance at a public meeting and letters to local newspapers or government officials. Information and sample positions on the issue are provided. Please join us in protecting birds and their habitats in the Bay Area.

Privacy Statement: SCVBA does not share mailing lists with other organizations or companies. You will only receive Action Alerts via email.

Volunteer Opportunities

SCVBA offers many ways to get involved in conservation issues affecting Santa Clara Valley. To get more information or join any committee, simply contact Shani Kleinhaus, the SCVBA Environmental Advocate at

Burrowing Owl Habitat Management

Burrowing Owl volunteer opportunities are currently suspended

Restoration Work Days - Dates announced here monthly
Help our local Burrowing Owl populations by removing invasive weeds on and around their burrows in time for the approaching breeding season. 

  • Location: Alviso, San Jose

  • Time: 9am-12pm 

  • What to bring: Suitable clothing and shoes for working outdoors, sun hat, water, sun block, and if necessary, dress in layers 

  • What we provide: garden gloves and hand tools 

RSVP at for exact location and details.

Environmental Action Committee

The Environmental Action Committee (EAC) determines conservation priorities and directs grassroots conservation advocacy and activities for SCVBA in Santa Clara County and beyond. Committee members focus on new issues as they arise and provide support to the many communities of Santa Clara County in protecting our natural environment, watersheds, birds and wildlife. 

Please contact the SCVBA Environmental Advocate at for more information. 

Donate to Conservation!

Make a tax-deductible donation to support our many local conservation efforts. Make a bequest to our Legacy Fund that will memorialize your commitment to Bay Area conservation.