Bewick’s Wren: Teresa Cheng
Discover the joys of birding close to home while supporting Santa Clara Valley Bird Alliance's education programs! On March 30th, bird for at least 15 minutes (longer if you want) while in your yard, looking out your window, walking around the block, or hanging out at your neighborhood park. Keep track of the bird species that you see, then email your list to me. I’ll compile the results and send them out to everyone who joins this team.
Optional: We can all meet for coffee at 1 pm and talk birds. I'll pick a place based on the number of people who want to meet, it will be somewhere in east Los Gatos.
Trip Difficulty: Variable, participants will bird independently at the set time and reconvene to share lists
Leader: Eve Meier,
Birding Intensity: Social/Casual
Banner Photo: Bewick's Wren by Teresa Cheng
Questions? Email general questions to or contact the trip leader for questions regarding the event.