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Birdathon Kickoff Event

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"In the Spring the young-at-heart’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of Birdathon!"
~Jim Lord Tennyson (distant cousin of Alfred)

This time of year, the birds either try to be seen by rivals and potential mates, or they don’t. Seems like they definitely sing enough, but still they remain hidden from humans when we really want to find them. Oh, well. Such is the challenge we face when we strive to raise money for SCVAS and our education program.


On Wednesday night, our panel of three (Carolyn, Barry and Matthew) will bloviate about the programs our Birdathon supports, how everything will work this year, what’s new as far as teams and fundraising goals (in this COVID age), exciting prizes and a few fun surprises which obviously we can't talk about here... There will also be a short presentation on common birds songs of spring, and maybe a quiz. Don’t worry. Totally easy.

Wine and other refreshments will be served in the privacy of viewers own homes (if they decide to serve them).

Zoom Link

Earlier Event: March 15
Flycatcher Class Part 1
Later Event: March 22
Flycatcher Class Part 2