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Christmas Bird Count: Palo Alto


The count circle for the Palo Alto CBC extends from the Bay to the Santa Cruz Mountains, with four regions in each of Santa Clara and San Mateo counties. We welcome eager birders at any level of experience. If you have previously participated, and want to count in the same region as before, please contact your region coordinator soon. There are three new coordinators since last year's CBC: Casey Girard in region 3 (San Mateo Co. lowlands "west" of Hwy 101); Charles Coston in region 6 (Santa Clara Co. foothills, west of I-280); Curt Bianchi in region 8 (higher elevations in, mostly, Santa Clara Co.).

If you are new to this count, or if you would like to explore a different region, or if you do not know how to reach your coordinator, contact the compiler Al Eisner at In order to find you a good spot, we need to hear from you at least two weeks before the count (the sooner the better). Thanks in advance for your participation.

More information about the Christmas Bird Count.