We'll be targeting mainly shorebirds, gulls, and waterfowl. Possibilities include Blue-winged Teal, Eurasian Wigeon, Canvasback, Redhead, Horned Grebe, Sora, Virginia Rail, Ruff, Mew Gull, and Iceland Gull. 3-4 miles on flat dirt trails.
Meet: parking lot outside the gates, labeled as ‘Don Edwards Parking Outside’ on Google Maps
Chris Johnson, (831) 601-8260, and Diane Hart
Google Plus Code: “C2PR+9Q San Jose, California” (paste code, city, and state into Google maps)
Directions: From CA-237 exit north on North 1st St, turn right on Nortech Pkwy, left on Disk Drive, and continue onto Grand Blvd.
Facilities: porta potty in parking lot
For all trips: Contact the trip leader or email scvasfieldtrips@gmail.com with questions. Beginners welcome. Heavy rain cancels. Carpool if possible. Bring binoculars. No unaccompanied minors.
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