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Field Trip: Members Only Yuba Pass Area of the Sierra Nevada Mountains (Sierra and Plumas County

  • 230 Main Street Sierra City, CA, 96125 United States (map)

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you attended this trip last year, please do not signup for this year's trip. We'd like to give everyone a chance to go on this popular trip. Also, please take a moment to read our other policies here.

Mountain Quail by Chris Johnson


Dates and times: 2-1/2 days of birding: Saturday, 14 June 2025, dawn, through Monday, 16 June 2025, mid-day.

Leaders: Sheila Raymond (408-887-4854), Andy Melnick (650-823-4117); Co-leader: Matthew Dodder (650-868-4922)


This is a multi-day field trip birding Yuba Pass, Sierra Valley, the Lakes District, and other areas in Sierra and Plumas counties, north of Truckee, California.


For purposes of this trip Yuba Pass describes the area cresting the Sierra Nevada along California Highway 49 north of Truckee, as well as Sierra Valley to the east and the Lakes District to the west. As such in a comparatively small area it includes seasonally wet and snowy montane habitat, significantly dry grassy flatland, marshy meadowlands, and clear mountain lakes, all of which attract different varieties of bird life. Yuba Pass itself is the lowest of the significant northern Sierra Nevada passes, topping out at about 6800 feet elevation; its winter snowfall is less than the corresponding passes to the south, and the California Department of Transportation is able to keep the pass open all winter long. In spite of this it remains relatively out of the way and unattractive for commercial (i.e., trucking) traffic and is also less visited by tourists than, for example, areas around Tahoe and Yosemite, and for both of these reasons has remained comparatively pristine. Early to mid-summer is ideal time in the area for birding as some species are still migrating in, some species are in the midst of mating rituals with commensurate singing and territorial displays, and some species have already nested and produced young.

Possible areas and species for the trip include:

  • Bassett's Station: the hummingbird feeders, surrounding trees, and the meadow, creek, and woods across Highway 49 --- Calliope Hummingbird; Yellow Warbler; Western Wood-Pewee; American Dipper

  • Yuba Pass crest: the top of the pass, including the meadow, the forest road north of Highway 49, and the Yuba Pass campground -- Williamson's Sapsucker; Evening Grosbeak; Cassin's Finch; Hermit Warbler; Golden-crowned Kinglet; White-headed Woodpecker; Mountain Chickadee; Red Crossbill; Olive-sided Flycatcher; Mountain Quail

  • Chapman's Saddle: the forest road north of Highway 49 -- Mountain Quail; White-headed woodpecker; Green-tailed Towhee

  • Calpine: the Sierra Valley grassland area around the intersection of Calpine Road and the Westside Highway -- Brewer's and Vesper Sparrow; Sage Thrasher

  • Marble Hot Springs Road: the Sierra Valley road leading to the Iron Bridge and the marshland around the bridge -- Yellow-headed Blackbird; Sandhill Crane; White-faced Ibis

  • Sierra Valley Preserve -- Sage Thrasher; Brewer’s and Vesper Sparrow; Black-billed Magpie

  • SFSU Sierra Nevada Field Campus -- MacGillivray's Warbler; Swainson's Thrush; Townsend's Solitaire; Willow Flycatcher

  • Sardine Lake and Sand Pond -- Cassin's and Warbling Vireo; Red-breasted Nuthatch

  • Frazier Falls -- Mountain Quail; Calliope Hummingbird; Dusky, Hammond’s, and Olive-sided Flycatcher; Nashville and MacGillivray's Warbler

  • Church Meadow -- Williamson’s Sapsucker; Calliope Hummingbird; Hammond’s and Dusky Flycatcher

Availability: Spots are limited to 10 attendees.

Wait List: If this trip is full and you would like to queue up on a waiting list, please email

Accessibility: This field trip is not appropriate for people with mobility limitations.

Carpooling: Carpooling will be arranged prior to each day's birding. Each day's trip will be limited to no more than 4 (four) cars, so ride-sharing will be mandatory. To facilitate ride-sharing for both traveling to Yuba Pass and while on the field trip itself attendee's contact information will be shared among the group.

Communications: Mountain cell phone coverage can be spotty or non-existent, so it is important that we stay as close together as a group as possible while traveling. Walkie-talkies will be supplied to each car to ensure adequate communications. Note also that internet access at the various accommodations in the area can be slow, spotty, or non-existent.

Trip difficulty: Easy. There is a lot of ground to cover in a fairly short time, so there will be significant driving; roads are paved, dirt, or graveled -- passenger cars should be sufficient with caution. Birding will primarily be done walking along mostly flat trails and forest roads, or from the roadside as conditions allow. NOTE: Please be aware that this trip takes place at elevations approaching 7000 feet above sea level so set expectations accordingly.

Getting there: The base of operations for the field trip will be the Buttes Resort (see Lodging below), 230 Main Street, Sierra City, on California Highway 49 in Sierra County (39.56566717554896, -120.63438310782252, telephone: 530-862-1170). Sierra City is accessible from the west via 70 north out of Sacramento, then 20 northeast out of Yuba City, then 49 northeast out of Browns Valley; or via 70 north out of Sacramento, then northeast to east on 20, then west and north out of Nevada City on 49. Sierra City is accessible from the east via I-80 east out of Sacramento, then 89 north out of Truckee, then 49 west out of Sierraville and Sattley (over Yuba Pass). Depending on traffic and weather conditions the trip from various areas of Santa Clara County may take anywhere from 4-1/2 to 6 hours.

NOTE: Electric vehicles (EVs) are not recommended for this field trip. As of summer 2024 Sierra City had no publicly available charging stations and the availability of these facilities was very limited elsewhere in the vicinity. Arrangement and handling of EV charging is entirely the participant’s responsibility if this mode of transportation is chosen.

Logistics: Accommodations are the responsibility of the trip attendees. Breakfast and lunch are the responsibilities of the trip attendees; lunches will take place in the field. Dinners will be potluck affairs hosted by the trip leaders at The Buttes Resort; attendance is optional, but we encourage trip members to come join us for socializing, reviewing the day's birding activities, adjusting plans, and getting to know each other better. For those attendees not joining the potlucks we recommend making reservations wherever dinner is planned.

Lodging: The starting point each day will be The Buttes Resort, 230 Main Street, Sierra City. The trip leaders will be staying there; a bloc of rooms/cabins has been set aside at the hotel for Friday/Saturday/Sunday 13-15 June 2025 (mention you are with the Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society (yes, our name has changed, but the hotel management knows us by our previous name)), but will not be able to be held available indefinitely.

The following (roofed) lodgings have historically been available nearby (but this list is not guaranteed to be up-to-date):

  • The Buttes Resort, Sierra City (

  • Sierra Pines Resort, Sierra City ( (formerly Harrington’s)

  • The Sierra Chalet, Sierra City

  • Yuba River Inn, Sierra City (

  • Bassets Station, Bassets (

  • Sardine Lake Resort, Lakes District (

See also: Downieville Area Lodging ( for further suggestions.

The following (unroofed) accommodations have historically been available for those who prefer the great outdoors at night:

  • Wild Plum Campground, Sierra City (

  • Sardine Lake Campground, Lakes District (

  • Yuba Pass Campground, Yuba Pass ( remains closed through June, 2025.

Weather: Typical temperature ranges in June at Sierra City (4200 feet elevation) are from the low 40s to the upper 70s degrees F, with higher elevations being accordingly cooler ( Since we will be out and about from early in the morning until late in the afternoon planning for the full temperature range would be prudent.

Adverse conditions (e.g., heavy rains, significant snow, wildfires, primary road closures) may occur and may cancel this trip with full (SCVBA ticket) refunds; note that SCVBA is not responsible for other trip expenses such as lodging. Although scheduled for mid-June, which typically provides decent weather, mountain conditions are unpredictable.

Cancellations: If you need to cancel this trip, please do so by March 1 for a full refund (SCVBA not responsible for lodging expenses).

Additional reading:

Besides the various birding locations that are mentioned in Matthew's write-up, this is a terrific area for hiking and fishing.

Banner Photo: Mountain Quail by Chris Johnson

Questions? Email general questions to or contact the trip leader for questions regarding the event.