Explore this mostly wooded preserve located in Portola Valley. It’s home to woodpeckers, Purple Finches, Townsend’s Warblers, and Brown Creepers. We’ll also scan Sausal Pond for Green Herons and Wood Ducks. Early returning migrants expected include Orange-crowned Warblers.
Trip Difficulty: 3-4 miles, dirt trails with some sections of single track, initially flat with moderate elevation gain.
Rich Page: (408) 377-1092
Family Friendly Ages 10+, Beginner Friendly
Meet: Portola Rd parking lot near restrooms
Directions: From I-280 in Portola Valley take Alpine Rd south (toward hills) about 2.9 miles to the first stop sign, turn right onto Portola Rd, then drive 0.8 miles. The parking lot is on the left just past The Sequoias retirement community. Google Plus Code: “9QGG+4M Portola Valley, California” (paste code, city, and state into Google maps). Latitude/Longitude: 37.375310, -122.223416
Facilities: pit toilets
Parking Fees: no
This trip is organized by the Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society (https://scvas.org/). Please read our trip policies. Questions? Contact the trip leader or email scvasfieldtrips@gmail.com.