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Bay Area Bird Photographers (BABP)

Peregrine Falcon stooping

Recent Tech Advancements and Bird in Flight Photography – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Presenter: Ron Bielefeld

Date: Wednesday, Dec 1

Zoom link:

Ron writes:
“My presentation will focus on recent advancements in camera and lens technology. From sensors, to IBIS, to AF; advancements have made getting great bird in flight images easier than ever before. However, with advancements come potential pitfalls. I will discuss both sides of the technological coin: how tech has made bird photography easier, but also how all these advancements may lead some bird/wildlife photographers astray.

Ron Bielefeld was born in Wisconsin. He has lived in Florida for the past 30 years, working as a professional avian research biologist with Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Also, as professional bird/wildlife photographer for 20 years and owner of Whistling Wings Photography wildlife photo tours. His life has revolved around birds since he was introduced to birding by his father at the age of 3. Since that time he has been fascinated, some may say obsessed, with birds and their behaviors. So much so, he has dedicated his life to their conservation and to building advocacy for them and their habitats through his photography and photography tour business.

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