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Our Local Birds - Their Habits And Habitats

  • Friday, February 28, 2020

  • 12:00 PM  3:00 PM

  • Noon: Social Time

  • 12:30: General Meeting

  • 1:30 Program Speaker

We are delighted to welcome Mathew Dodder and Mike Azevedo from the Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society to talk to us about our local birds. If their program doesn’t cover a question you have – such as: Who’s just passing through? Who lives here year round? What is that bird? What can we do to attract more birds? What can we do to discourage crows? Where did the Blue Jays go when the crows came? - Matthew and Mike will answer as many questions as possible. This will be a fun and informative meeting.

Guests are welcome - fee is $5. Judy Hogan, Program Chair