Vivek Khanzodé Photography Interview

Vivek Khanzodé Photography Interview

International Bird Rescue’s featured photographer is our own Vivek Khanzodé, a long-time member of the Board and presenter for Bay Area Bird Photographers.

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All Around Town

All Around Town

Members have been telling us in their own words what they’re observing in their yards, and sharing their pictures too. See what your friends and neighbors have been seeing in their backyards and send your backyard bird sightings to

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November Self-guided Field Trips

November Self-guided Field Trips

Need help finding great birding spots and figuring out what to look for? Check out our self-guided field trips for November. The fall season is a great time to observe wintering ducks at the bay or any of Santa Clara County’s inland lakes and ponds. Or, now that the weather is cooling, head to the grassy hills at Coyote Lake County Park or try the redwoods along the John Nicholas Trail. You can even bird by bike at Ogier Ponds!

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Speaker Series: Richard Tejeda

Speaker Series: Richard Tejeda

The Founder of Saved By Nature showed us how the lives of youth and adults of all backgrounds and abilities can be improved by experiences outdoors. Talk was Wednesday, September 23 at 7pm . The video is now available on our YouTube channel.

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