The Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society has been publishing a journal for members since January 1929 (four years after our founding in 1925). The journal’s original name was The Wren-Tit, which was kept from 1929 until at least 1947.
Around 1949 our publication was simply referred to as The Bulletin of the Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society (although the masthead sometimes sported a line drawing of a Wrentit).
In September 1954 the journal formally changed to be called The Avocet, which remains its name to this day. Why did we change our name? Perhaps the answer lies here, somewhere in the archives.
Our original masthead
In addition to the past issues of The Wrentit and The Avocet, we have uploaded the 36-page History of The Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society 1925 - 1962, compiled by Warren M. Turner. Download the pdf of the History of the Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society.
If you’re interested in an early version of our Bylaws from 1978, you can download them here.
The Wren-Tit, 1929 to 1947
January, Vol 1. No. 1—An Unusual Nesting Site of Cliff and Barn Swallows/Introducing the Wren-tit
April, Vol 1. No. 2—Finches and Elms/Some Seasonal Notes
July, Vol 1. No. 3—The Family Relations of Birds/Reports of Past Meetings and Field Trips
October, Vol 1. No. 4—Feeding Visits and Other Reactions of the Nesting Anna Hummingbird/The Campaign for a “State Bird”
January, Vol 2. No. 1—The Nest-pavement of the California Horned Lark/Fall Sightings Near Los Gatos
April, Vol 2. No. 2—Time Limits of Crouch-Concealment of the Young Killdeer/Firsts
July, Vol 2. No. 3—The Length and Width of the Home of the Snowy Plover/Some Nesting Records
October, Vol 2. No. 4—Late Nesting and Puzzling Behavior of the California Woodpecker/Field Trip Reports
January, Vol 3. No. 1—Night Lodgings of Two Black Swifts/Some Early Winter Notes
April, Vol 3. No. 2—Nest-Protective Reactions of the Black-Necked Stilt/The Passing of the Boathouse
July, Vol 3. No. 3—Turkey Vulture Nestlings/Some Nesting Records
(No October issue in archives)
October 1931–1946 No archived issues
If you have any issues from this time period and are willing to let us borrow and scan them, please contact our office at
January, Vol 1. No 1.—1946 Christmas Census/1st of New Series of the Wrentit. A brief end-article entitled “Re-introducing the Wrentit” seems to indicate there was a gap in publication. This issue also claimed to be quarterly, but none of the other documents from 1947 are called Wrentit; they appear to just be field-trip notes
July—Field Reports
August(?)—August Field Trip
September—September Meeting
October—Screen Tours
November—Field Trip/Screen Tours Lecture
December—Meeting/Field Trip
“Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society” (Just Field Trip Notes?) 1948 to 1951
January—Field Trip/Screen Tour Lecture
February—Field Trip/Screen Tour Lecture/Comm. For Relief to European Ornithologists
March—Business Meeting/Field Trip
April 1, April 15—Screen tour Lecture/Field Trip Report, Field Trip
May—Meeting/Field Trip/Letters
June—Field Trip
July—Field Trip/Meeting
(No August issue in archives, missing?)
September—Field Trip/Meeting
October—Field Trip/Meeting
November 1, November—Field Trip/Screen Tour, Field Trip/Trip Reports
December 1, December 15—Meeting/Christmas Bird Count, Christmas Bird Count/Corrections for the Calendar
January—Midwinter Bird Census/3rd Screen Tour
February—Meeting/Field Trip
March 1, March 10—4th Screen Tour/Butano Forest, Meeting/Board/Field Trip
April 1, April 13—Last Audubon Screen Tour/1st April Field Trip, Board Meeting/Field Trip
(No July or August in archives)
September—Meeting/Field Trip
October 15—Field Trip/Screen Tour
November 1, November 15—Field Trip/1st Field Trip, 2nd Field Trip/New Members
December 1, December 15—Meeting/Christmas Bird Count, Field Trip/Calendar
January 1, January 15—Meeting/2nd Screen tour/Field Trips/Bird Count, Meeting/Field Trip/New Members
February—3rd Screen Tour/Meeting/Field Trip
March 1, March 15—Field Trip/Meeting/Screen Tour, Field Trip/Trip to Pinnacles/Seasonal Bird Observations
April 3, April 15—Field Trip/Meeting/Pinnacles/Jasper Ridge, Field Trip – Arroyo Hondo/Screen Tour/New Members
May—Field Trip/Meeting
June—Audubon Prints/Meeting/Field Trip
(No July in Archives)
August—Field Trip – Palo Alto Area
(No September in Archives)
October—Screen Tour/Meeting/Field Trip
November—Meeting/Screen Tour/Field Trip
December—Field Trip/Meeting/Bird Count
1951 January to October
January—Meeting/Field Trip/Lake Merritt/Screen Tour/Los Banos
February—Field Trip – Alum Rock/Screen Tour/Meeting/Lecture
March—Field Trip – Adobe Creek/Coyote Reservoir/Lectures
April—Wild Flower Trip/Meeting/Trip to Pinnacles/Trip to Uvas/Lectures
May—Screen Tour/Meeting/Field Trip/Salt Marshes & Ponds/Mission Ridge
June—Field Trips/Lectures/Meeting
(No July in Archive)
August—Field Trip/Clout Top
September, September Membership List—Meeting/Field Trips, Membership List
October—Meeting/Field Trips/Screen Tours
Bulletin of the Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society, November 1951 to October 1953
1951 November to December
One of many masthead drawings used in 1952 (it changed a bit every month)
January—Nesting Study/Field Observations
February—Roosting of Chickadees and Titmice/The Birds of Santa Clara County
March—Some Ornithologists of the South Bay Region/New Members
April—Scrub Jays Cache Food for Later Use/Migrant Arrivals
May—Field Notes: How and Why/The San Francisco Bay egion Nesting Survey
June—Ornithological Quiz/Field Observations
July–August—The Nocturnal Migration of Birds/Nesting Survey
September—Lunar Ornithology/Field Observations/1952-1953 Audubon Screen Tours
October—Fall Migration/Field Observations
November—Field Observations/Calera Canyon
December—Bird Navigation/The Second Audubon Screen Tour
1953 January to October
January—Field Observations/Field Trip to Huddart Park
February—Screen Tours/Matinee Audubon Screen Tour
March—Calendar/4th Screen Tour/Matinee Screen Tour/Meeting
April—Spring Migration
May—Calendar/Field Trips
June—Calendar/Meeting/Bird Trip
July–August—Field Trip/Junior Museum
(No September in Archive)
October—Meeting/Calendar/Field Trip
Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society Bulletin, November 1953 to June 1954
1953 November to December
November, Vol. 1 No. 1—Calendar/President’s Message
December, Vol. 1 No. 2—President’s Message/Calendar
1954 January to June
January, Vol. 1 No. 3—President’s Message/Field Trips
February, Vol. 1 No. 4—President’s Message/Calendar
March, Vol. 1 No. 5—President’s Message/Calendar
April, Vol. 1 No. 6—President’s Message/Calendar
May, Vol. 1 No. 7—President’s Message/Calendar
June, Vol. 1 No. 8—President’s Message/Calendar
(No July, August)
The Avocet, September 1954-Present
In 1954 there was a contest to rename the Bulletin. The vote was held on April 15, 1954. The winning name, The Avocet, was submitted by Mrs. Eva McRae. The runner-up name was The Chat!
~The Avocet, September 1954
This drawing of a pair of American Avocets first appeared in the March-April 1956 issue. Notice the tiny signature on the right, HCA, which stands for Harry Curieux Adamson, a famous local bird artist—check out the May 1994 Avocet for more information.
This script title was used from 1956 until 1988
September 1954, Vol. 1 No. 9—The first issue of The Avocet/President’s Message/Calendar
October 1954, Vol. 1 No. 10—President’s Message/Calendar/Publication Standing Rules
November 1954, Vol. 1 No. 11—President’s Message/Calendar/Student Group Activities
December 1954, Vol. 1 No. 12—President’s Message/Calendar/Bird Notes/Field Trips
January–February, Vol. 2 No. 1—President’s Message/Announcements/Calendar
March–April, Vol. 2 No. 2—President’s Message/Calendar/Editorial Committee Report
May–June, Vol. 2 No. 3—President’s Message/Calendar/Membership
July–August, Vol. 2 No. 4—Announcement/Annual Meeting/Election
September–October, Vol. 2 No. 5—Santa Clara County Fair Booth/Screen Tours/President’s Message
November–December, Vol. 2 No. 6—News and Views from the Editor’s Desk/Protections Lawa for Hawks & Owls
January-February, Vol. 3 No. 1—Special Event/Meetings
March-April, Vol. 3 No. 2—President’s Message/Calendar/Clark Nutcracker Eruption
May-June, Vol. 3 No. 3—President’s Message/Coming Events at a Glance/Field Reports
July-August, Vol. 3 No. 4—President’s Message/Coming Events at a Glance
September-October, Vol. 3 No. 5—President’s Message/Coming Events at a Glance/Seasonal Observations
November-December, Vol. 3 No. 6—President’s Message/Coming Events at a Glance/The 1956 Christmas Bird Count
January-February, Vol. 4 No. 1—President’s Message/Coming Events at a Glance/Seasonal Bird Observations
(No March-April or May-June in Archives)
July-August, Vol. 4 No. 4—Greetings/Calendar. Note: articles such as “The Avocet Will Fly Again” and an announcement of a new editor, Joyce Todd, seem to indicate a lapse in publication
September-October, Vol. 4 No. 5—Conservation Notes/Coming Events at a Glance
November-December, Vol. 4 No. 6—Waters of San Francisco Bay Still Being Polluted/The 1957 Bird Count
January, Vol. 5 No. 1—Conservation in 1958/Coming Events at a Glance
February, Vol. 5 No. 2—Sea Otter Killings Alert Fish and Game Department/1957 Christmas Bird Count
March, Vol. 5 No. 3—Where Should Management Stop?/Fish and Game Revisions
April, Vol. 5 No. 4—Insecticides Are Threat to Humans and Wildlife/Another Alert
May, Vol. 5 No. 5—Precautions Developed in the Fire Ant Program/Who Will Try Caring for our Injured Birds?
June, Vol. 5 No. 6—Support the Wilderness Bill/Coming Events at a Glance
July–August, Vol. 5 No. 7—Mathematics for the Billions/Coming Events at a Glance
September, Vol. 5 No. 8—It’s Time for a Reappraisal/Annual Offshore Trip
October, Vol. 5 No. 9—Notice/Bob Amyx releases $9,000,000 Park Recreation Plan for Santa Clara CO.
November, Vol. 5 No. 10—Meet Our New President/Convention/Point Reyes Park Proposal
December, Vol 5 No. 11—The President’s Message/Coming Events at a Glance
January, Vol. 6 No. 1—Facts about the Imported Fire Ant/California Preditor Control
February, Vol. 6 No. 2—Asilomar Reservations/Education Committee report
March, Vol. 6 No. 3—A Note of Thanks/Whose Responsibility/Coming Events at a Glance
April, Vol. 6 No. 4—New Publicity Chairman/Let’s Pass the Wilderness Bill This Time
May, Vol. 6 No. 5—Corrections/Save the Sea Lions From Slaughter
June, Vol. 6 No. 6—President’s Message/Santa Clara County’s Key Plan to Preserve Open Space
Summer, Vol. 6 No. 7—Our Greatest National Park/Coming Events at a Glance
September, Vol. 6 No. 8—President’s Message/Officers
October, Vol. 6 No. 9—Point Reyes national Seashore Park/Coming Events at a Glance
November, Vol. 6 No. 10—Autumn Guide to the Pacific Flyway/Coming Events at a Glance
December, Vol. 6 No. 11—President’s Message/Coming Events at a Glance
January, Vol. 7 No. 1—Will Wildlife Get Water at Klamath-Tuls Area?/Magazine Article Exposes Water Pollution Problem
February, Vol. 7 No. 2—President’s Message/For Nature Photographers
March, Vol. 7 No. 3—Northern California Coast Range Preserve/Coming Events at a Glance
April, Vol. 7 No. 4—Northern California Coast Range Preserve/Coming Events at a Glance
May, Vol. 7 No. 5—The Conservation Reserve US Dept. of Agriculture/Coming Events at a Glance
June, Vol. 7 No. 6—Audubon Society Waves to Protect Bay Lands/President’s Parting Message
Not published July or August
September, Vol. 7 No. 7—President’s Letter/Falconry as a Hobby
October, Vol. 7 No. 8—Better than Hollywood/Good Neighbors
November, Vol. 7 No. 9—Now Man Can Talk to the Birds/Calendar
December, Vol. 7 No. 10—Wilderness Wanted/Sanctuary News
January, Vol. 8 No. 1—$14 Million Area Beach, Park Plan Urged/SCVAS Leadership Training Course
February, Vol. 8 No. 2—Seaton Acts to Secure Alaska Wildlife Areas/What Shall We Save Before it’s Too Late?
March, Vol. 8 No. 3—You Can Save Berry Creek Falls in Big Basin/Conservation Issues – 1961
April, Vol. 8 No. 4—The New Frontier in Conservation/Bald Eagle Film in Production
May, Vol. 8 No. 5—President’s message/Pacific Coast Conference
June, Vol. 8 No. 6—Our Annual Meeting – June 5 – Montalvo/Growth of Human Population and Wildlife Protection
Not published July or August
September, Vol. 8 No. 7—President’s Message/Coming Events at a Glance
October, Vol. 8 No. 8—Senate Passes Wilderness Bill. Let’s Get It Through The House/Screen Tours
November, Vol. 8 No. 9—Help Point Reyes thru the House/Field Notes
December, Vol. 8 No. 10—President’s Message/Butano State Park – a Gift to the Future
January, Vol. 9 No. 1—The Controversial Topic – Conservation/Screen Tours
February, Vol. 9 No. 2—Wildlife Under Close Study in Stanford’s Jasper Ridge Area/Field Trip Plans for the Future
March, Vol. 9 No. 3—Atom Versus Nature at Bodega Bay/Our Growing Library
April, Vol. 9 No. 4—Conservation: A Vast Plan/Palo Alto Baylands
May, Vol. 9 No. 5—President’s Message/The Golden Eagle Bill
June, Vol. 9 No. 6—President’s Message/Be Sure to Vote on June 5
Not published July or August
September, Vol. 9 No. 7—President’s Message/September Calendar
October, Vol. 9 No. 8—President’s Message/Nuclear Plan to Create Harbor Killed
November, Vol. 9 No. 9—President’s Message/Calendar
December, Vol. 9 No. 10—President’s Message/The Doctors Take on Pesticides
January, Vol. 10 No. 1—President’s Message/Education Committee
February, Vol. 10 No. 2—President’s Message/Has the House Interior Committee Read These Words?
March, Vol. 10 No. 3—President’s Message/Gifts Received During February
April, Vol. 10 No. 4—President’s Message/Coming Events at a Glance
May, Vol. 10 No. 5—President’s Message/Education Committee
June, Vol. 10 No. 6—President’s Message/Conservation Notes
Not published July or August
September, Vol. 10 No. 7—President’s Message/Expressing Hope Department
October, Vol. 10 No. 8—White-crowned and Golden-crowned Sparrows
November, Vol. 10 No. 9—2nd report on White-crowned and Golden-crowned Sparrows/Department of Interesting Possibilities
December, Vol. 10 No. 10—President’s Message/Coming Events at a Glance
January, Vol. 11 No. 1—President’s Message: Preliminary Reports & Observations of Annual Christmas Bird Count
February, Vol. 11 No. 2—President’s Message: Movement to Declare Moratorium on San Francisco Bay Development Gets Green Light At Supervisors’ Meeing
March, Vol. 11 No. 3—President’s Message/Move about Albatrosses
April, Vol. 11 No. 4—Early Publications in Limited Number to be Distributed at April and May Meetings/Bulletin Background
May, Vol. 11 No. 5—California Condor Study/Audubon Group Heard before Palo Alto City Council
June, Vol. 11 No. 6—Annual Meeting and Picnic/Some Geological Lore About Alum Rock Park
Not published July or August
September, Vol. 11 No. 7—“Welcome Back” All Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society Members/Annual Meeting
October, Vol. 11 No. 8—September Meeting/October Calendar
November, Vol. 11 No. 9—October Meeting/December Trip
December, Vol. 11 No. 10—San Francisco Bay: A Part of California’s Marine Resources/Annual Christmas Bird Count
January, Vol. 12 No. 1—Our Bay As An Environmental Resource/Battle of the Baylands
February, Vol. 12 No. 2—The Role of the Nature Conservancy in the San Francisco Bay Area/Battle of the Baylands
March, Vol. 12 No. 3—ABAG and Regional Planning for Parks and Recreation/Woodnotes
April, Vol. 12 No. 4—Song of the Cricket/April Calendar
May, Vol. 12 No. 5—Cooperation in Conservation/Wilderness Conference of the Sierra Club
June, Vol. 12 No. 6—Cooperation in Conservation/Wilderness Conference of the Sierra Club
Not published July or August
September, Vol. 12 No. 7—The Year Ahead/Battle of the Baylands
October, Vol. 12 No. 8—Help/San Francisco Bay
November, Vol. 12 No. 9—Fire in the Giant Sequoias/We Can Do More
December, Vol. 12 No. 10—Bay of Gold/December Calendar
January, Vol. 13 No. 1—The Restless Valley/The League’s Accomplishments and Hopes
February, Vol. 13 No. 2—Wilderness!/A Call to Serve
March, Vol. 13 No. 3—In the Beginning …./Finally --- A Conservation Council
April, Vol. 13 No. 4—Birds and wildflowers of Mexico/Coming Events at a Glance/Ask not …
May, Vol. 13 No. 5—Islands of Green/Is Avocet Worth A Nickel to You?
June, Vol. 13 No. 6—You are Cordially Invited/The Case of Death in the Ecosystem
Not published July or August
September, Vol. 13 No. 7—Flowers and Plans of Death Valley/A Letter from the President
October, Vol. 13 No. 8—A Few Weeks in the Life of the Red-footed Booby/1966 National Convention
November, Vol. 13 No. 9—An Illustrated Talk – A Fishy Story/ABAG Regional Plan
December, Vol. 13 No. 10—The Red-footed Booby/Some Ecological Aspects of San Francisco Bay
January, Vol. 14 No. 1—Water, Water; Everywhere it’s the Problem/The Vital Question of Regional Government
February, Vol. 14 No. 2—Film: Glen Canyon/The Sierra Club and the Internal Revenue Service
March, Vol. 14 No. 3—Native Trees and the Soils Beneath Them/Dr, Ester Perry
April, Vol. 14 No. 4—Amateur Night/Bolinas Lagoon/Palo Alto Baylands
May, Vol. 14 No. 5—Regular Meeting/Norman Livermore to Speak in San Jose
June, Vol. 14 No. 6—Annual Meeting/San Francisco Bay
Not published July or August
September, Vol. 14 No. 7—September Meeting/Field Trips
October, Vol. 14 No. 8—October Meeting – Wild Australia/Field Trips
November, Vol. 14 No. 9—November Meeting/Field Trips
December, Vol. 14 No. 10—December Calendar/The Christmas Count
January, Vol. 15 No. 1—Amateur Night/Field Trips
February, Vol. 15 No. 2—Point Reyes Bird Observatory & Farallon Islands/Field Trips
March, Vol. 15 No. 3—Havasu Canyon in Arizona/Field Trips
April, Vol. 15 No. 4—Shore Birds of San Francisco Bay Region/Field Trips
May, Vol. 15 No. 5—Antarctica – The Original Settlers/Field Trips
June, Vol. 15 No. 6—Annual Meeting/Calendar
Not published July or August
September, Vol. 15 No. 7—Plans and Ideas for the Coming Year/Field Trips
October, Vol. 15 No. 8—Mushroom and Other Fungi/Calendar of Events
November, Vol. 15 No. 9—Olympic Rain Forest to Canadian Rockies/Calendar of Events
December, Vol. 15 No. 10—Open Spaces and the Art of Living/California Birds
January, Vol. 16 No. 1—Isle Royale National Park/Field Trips
February, Vol. 16 No. 2—1969-Your Bay and Mine – Year of Decision/Summary of 1968 Christmas Bird Count
March, Vol. 16 No. 3—Fall Colors in the North Woods/Our Cities as Wildlife Sanctuaries
April, Vol. 16 No. 4—Coastline California/Weeds are for the Birds
May, Vol. 16 No. 5—Fall Colors in the North Woods/South San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge
June, Vol. 16 No. 6—Annual Meeting/Let’s Put Our Bird Brains to Work!
Not published July or August
September, Vol. 16 No. 7—California Birds/Ecological Conference Program
October, Vol. 16 No. 8—Tides of Fundy and Newfoundland Sea Birds/California Birds
November, Vol. 16 No. 9—On Safari/Keep an Eye Out for Red Breasted Dowitcher
December, Vol. 16 No. 10—Calendar of Events/Tubbs Island Field Trip/Annual Christmas Count – 1969
The drawing was flipped horizontally in September 1970 and moved from the bottom of the page up to the masthead. Variants of this drawing were used continuously until 2012 when we switched to a more stylized logo (still based on this original drawing).
January, Vol. 17 No. 1—What We Can Do For the Environment/Convention News
February, Vol. 17 No. 2—Voyage to the Galapagos/Notes on Golden Eagle Dives
March, Vol. 17 No. 3—SCVAS Christmas Count 1969/A Look at Conservation
April, Vol. 17 No. 4—Desert Island – Marsh, Meadow, and Mountain/The Problem of Environmental Destruction Concerns Us All
May, Vol. 17 No. 5—Wilderness Workshop in Alaska/Bird Eaters vs Bird Lovers in Italy
June, Vol. 17 No. 6—Annual Meeting/Open Space
Not published July or August
September, Vol. 17 No. 7—Members’ Nature Slide Show/Palo Alto Wildlife Films
October, Vol. 17 No. 8—Glimpses of Arctic Alaska/Geological Survey Study of Bay Circulation
November, Vol. 17 No. 9—Wildlife in the Tetons and Yellowstone/What About Recycling for S. Santa Clara Co.?
December, Vol. 17 No. 10—Christmas Count 1970/Endangered Local Species
January, Vol. 18 No. 1—The Silent Spring of Rachel Carson/Urban Sprawl
February, Vol. 18 No. 2—General Meeting: Down Under/Priorities of National Audubon Society
March, Vol. 18 No. 3—General Meeting: Marsh, Meadow & Mountain/Overpopulation is Basic
April, Vol. 18 No. 4—General Meeting: Skyline Regional Park and Open Space District Proposal/How Pesticides are Regulated
May, Vol. 18 No. 5—General Meeting: May 19 A Fish’s Eye View of San Francisco Bay/Herbicides in Vietnam
June, Vol. 18 No. 6—Annual Meeting: Stevens Creek Park/Endangered Species
Not published July or August
September, Vol. 18 No. 7—Audubon Wildlife Films/Audubon Library/Churchill of the Hudson Bay
October, Vol. 18 No. 8—“Clean Bay, Inc.”/National Audubon Western Conference – Asilomar 1972
November, Vol. 18 No. 9—Bird Watchers Watch A Lot/Welcome New Members
December, Vol. 18 No. 10—Christmas Count 1971/Turkey Vultures or …?
January, Vol. 19 No. 1—Land Birds of the Farallon Islands/A Look at Conservation
February, Vol. 19 No. 2—Bird Habitats of the South Bay/A Look at Conservation
March, Vol. 19 No. 3—Annual Yosemite Field Trip/Elkhorn Slough/
April, Vol. 19 No. 4—Youth Science Institute/Nature Touring in the Galapagos
May, Vol. 19 No. 5—An Ornithological Research Station/Chlorinated Hydrocarbons and marine Birds
June, Vol. 19 No. 6—The Education Committee – A New Direction/June Ballot Propositions
Not published July or August
September, Vol. 19 No. 7—Audubon Film Schedule/San Francisco Bay Wildlife Refuge Notes
October, Vol. 19 No. 8—Sierra Club Books Available at Discount/Point Reyes Bird Observatory
November, Vol. 19 No. 9—Issues and Candidates/Wilderness and Human Impact in the Sierra (mentions support for Measure R which resulted in the creation of the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District)
December, Vol. 19 No. 10—Field Trip Car Pool Coordinators/1972 Christmas Bird Count
January, Vol. 20 No. 1—U.C. Natural Environment Study Program/Movements of Bayland Birds
February, Vol. 20 No. 2—Return from Extinction: The Marine Mammals of Baja California’s Pacific Islands
March, Vol. 20 No. 3—Pinnacles National Monument Weekend Field Trip/Wildlife Survival During Desert Summer
April, Vol. 20 No. 4—How One Group of Citizens Tried to Fight City Hall (Shoreline Regional Park)
May, Vol. 20 No. 5—Let’s Set the Record Straight (re Sierra Club)/Shoreline Regional Park Update
June, Vol. 20 No. 6—Field Trip Reports and Observations/See, Something can be Done (Mayfield Mall & San Antonio Shopping Center)
Not published July or August
No September issue in Archives (would be Vol. 20 No. 7)—If you have this issue and are willing to let us borrow and scan it, please contact our office at
October, Vol. 20 No. 8—Klamath Basin Field Trip/Special Event. This issue references the September Avocet, so we know one was published.
November, Vol. 20 No. 9—Local Owl Trip/Where It’s At (Migration)
December, Vol. 20 No. 10—Operation Nature Guide/Christmas Bird Count 1973
January, Vol. 21 No. 1—Field Trips and the Gasoline Shortage/Christmas Count 1973
February, Vol. 21 No. 2—The Public’s Stake in the Oceans/Ano Nuevo State Reserve
March, Vol. 21 No. 3—The Care of Baby Wild Creatures/The SCVAS Library and What to do with Same
April, Vol. 21 No. 4—Where it’s at – Migration/North American Nest Record Program
May, Vol. 21 No. 5—Field Trip Reports/Our Library
June, Vol. 21 No. 6—Checklist of the Birds of the Santa Clara Valley Region Revision
Not published July or August
September, Vol. 21 No. 7—Field Trip Reports/Fall Migration
October, Vol. 21 No. 8—General Meetings/Migration
November, Vol. 21 No. 9—Bird Corner/The Scuper-Dooper Stewpendous Christmas Count 1974
December, Vol. 21 No. 10—Audubon Wildlife Films/Audubon Library
January, Vol. 22 No. 1—A Small Committee Please/Unsung Heroes/Legal Committee is Established
February, Vol. 22 No. 2—San Jose Christmas Count 1974/Bay Area Audubon Council
March, Vol. 22 No. 3—Classes, Tours and Such/Why Falconry Now?
April, Vol. 22 No. 4—Field Trip Reports/Water. Water. Water
May, Vol. 22 No. 5—A Short Memoriam/North American Nest Record Programs
June, Vol. 22 No. 6—Field Notes on the Golden Eagle/Report on National Audubon Convention 1975
Not published July or August
September, Vol. 22 No. 7—NonGame Decal/Checklist of Birds
October, Vol. 22 No. 8—Our Changing Palo Alto Baylands/Additional Pescadero Marshlands to be Purchased
November, Vol. 22 No. 9—A Week on the Farallons/Audubon Golden Trout Camp
December, Vol. 22 No. 10—Christmas Bird Count ‘75/A Glorious Opportunity
1976–November 1980 No Archived Issues
If you have any of these issues and are willing to let us borrow and scan them, please contact our office at
January through November—missing. If you have these issues and are willing to let us borrow and scan them, please contact our office at
December, Vol. 27, No. 10—Mono Lake/Christmas Bird Count/Conservation
January, Vol. 28, No. 1—Mono Lake/Henry W. Coe State Park/Endangered Least Tern on Bair Island
February, Vol. 28, No. 2—Take it Off—Take it All Off!/The 1980 San Jose Christmas Bird Count
March, Vol. 28, No. 3—Mono Lake Fund Raising Goes Over the Top/The Year That Was/The Condor Conference
April, Vol. 28, No. 4—Nest Record Card Program/The Statewide Audubon Conference – A Report/Job Opportunities
May, Vol. 28, No. 5—Field Notes/Field Notes from Japan/Calendar of Events
June, Vol. 28, No. 6—A Vintage Year/Field Notes/Calendar of Events
Not published July or August
September, Vol. 28, No. 7—SCVAS Grants Program/A Mono Lake of the North?/Bay Area Audubon Council Meets in Alviso
October, Vol. 28, No. 8—Last Stronghold of the Bald Eagle/SCVAS Grants Program/Palo Alto Breeding Bird Count
November, Vol. 28, No. 9—Marin Headlands Hawk Migration Trip/Charleston Slough Project/Sneaking Up On Animals
December—missing. If you have this issue and are willing to let us borrow and scan it, please contact our office at
January, Vol. 29, No. 1—To Walk Out or Not to Walk Out/Bair Island Alert/The “New” Avocet
February—missing. If you have this issue and are willing to let us borrow and scan it, please contact our office at
March, Vol. 29, No. 3—Water: What’s The Solution?/Farewell EPA?/Help for the Refuge
April, Vol. 29, No. 4—Birds Go To Court/Field Seminars in Trogon Ecology, 1982/Byron Hawk Identification Trip/Death Valley in the Spring
May, Vol. 29, No. 5—Mono Lake/The Year That Was/Pornography and the Avocet
June, Vol. 29, No. 6—Birdathon, Texas Style/Birds, Bombs and the Unthinkable/Biological Diversity: Can We Survive Without it?
Not published July or August
September, Vol. 29, No. 7—Nuts to You!/Over the Top/Golden Trout Report/Reflections
October, Vol. 29, No. 8—What’s in a Name?/Officers urge yes on 11 & 13/New Director/SFBBO is new and looking for volunteers
November, Vol. 29, No. 9—Xmas Count – Dec 19/Chapter to Publish Site Guide/Main Audubon Camp – a Treat
December, Vol. 29, No. 10—Audubon and PRBO Team for Trips/Maine Audubon Camp/Fate of the Earth
January, Vol. 30, No. 1—Desert Ecology Institute/An Interview with Mike Rigney, Executive Director of SFBBO/Where to go Birding in Seattle/Redtails Found Dead Cause Unknown
February, Vol. 30, No. 2—Area Audubons Hold Meeting/PA Airport Bird Study Underway/The Year That Was - 1982
March, Vol. 30, No. 3—SFBBO Reports on Research, Activities/Will the Southwest be Sacrificed?/County Parks Running Out of Money
April, Vol. 30, No. 4—SFBBO Hit Hard By Flow/Eating Crow?/Mono Lake Court Victory
May, Vol. 30, No. 5—SF Wildlife Plan I Unique/Threats to Black Bears/MROSD to Give Dogs a Chance
June, Vol. 30, No. 6—Wilderness Bill Goes to Senate/Thanks to Our Congressmen/Bird Surveyors Needed
Not published July or August
September, Vol. 30, No. 7—SCVAS Publishes Area Site Guide/The Tico Experience – Part I/Wilderness Bill
October, Vol. 30, No. 8—The Tico Experience – Part II/Birding in Southern California/Wildlife Refuge Activities
November, Vol. 30, No. 9—SCVAS Grants/Wetlands Coalition Monitors the Bay/Tuolumne River Threatened
December, Vol. 30, No. 10—The Christmas Count in the Beginning/1983 San Jose CBC/SVCAS Endorses Bay resolution
January, Vol. 31, No. 1—SCVAS Opposes Alveso Radio Towers/A Statement of Audubon Philosophy/Taxes Can Go to Endangered Species
February, Vol. 31, No. 2—Coyote Creek Threatened by Water District Project/Air Bill Would Require EPA Action/Audubon Camp, of Course!
March, Vol. 31, No. 3—Strip Mines in California?/Dodo Sighted in California?/Pampas Grass Menace
April, Vol. 31, No. 4—Calendar of Events/Diked Wetlands Study/Classes, Trips, and Events
May, Vol. 31, No. 5—San Bruno Mountain Threatened/Birding in Southern California/Hayward Shoreline
June, Vol. 31, No. 6—Help Burrowing Owls!/Coyote Creek Hearing/Propositions 18 and 19
Not published July or August
September, Vol. 31, No. 7—Least Terns on Bair Island/Wood Stork Endangered/Birding Olympics/The Tico Experience – Part IV
October, Vol. 31, No. 8—Birding at Crab Cove/A Greenbelt in San Jose’s Future/Coyote Creek
November, Vol. 31, No. 9—Jon Dunn and the NGS Guide/Birding in Southern California ---Palm Springs Tramway/Federal Duck Stamp’s 50 Years Old
December, Vol. 31, No. 10—What’s Smew? It’s a Duck that Stands in the Way of a Dike/Audubon Adventures/San Jose CRC/SCVAS History
January, Vol. 32, No. 1—Condor Update/Bayland Conservation Notes/Coastal Conservancy Land Bank
February, Vol. 32, No. 2—Update from Audubon Canyon Ranch/Stop Sea Otter Drownings/Another Record San Jose Christmas Bird Count
March, Vol. 32, No. 3—Peninsula BirdWatching Guide/Conservation Issue Analysis Ponderosa Homes/Elephant Seals at Ano Nuevo/The Tico Experience – Part VI
April, Vol. 32, No. 4—New Threat to San Bruno Mountain/Rip-Rap Threatens Sacramento River/Wetlands
May, Vol. 32, No. 5—The Mokelumne/Condor Program Update/Selenium and Heavy Metals in Bay Ducks
June, Vol. 32, No. 6—Condor Habitat Threatened/Where Do Ducks Come From?/Grave Threat to Baylands
Not published July or August
September, Vol. 32, No. 7—New Palo Alto Checklist/1985 Bird-A-Thon/Bay Area Audubon Council W3tlands Policy
October, Vol. 32, No. 8—Logging Roads in National Forests/San Jose Christmas Bird Count/California Condors
November, Vol. 32, No. 9—Interior to Condors: Drop Dead/Environmental Action Hotline/Oyster Farming in the Bay
December, Vol. 32, No. 10—The Gourmet Godwit/Baylands Photo Exhibition/Wild Trout Streams
January, Vol. 33, No. 1—Wetlands and the Supreme Court/Mono Lake Update/Bottle Bill
February, Vol. 33, No. 2—San Jose CBC Report/San Jose Christmas Bird Count/How Many Western Flycatchers and Why?
March, Vol. 33, No. 3—Another Step Backwards/Kings River Loses Out in Sequoia Forest Plan/Baylands Photo Exhibit
April, Vol. 33, No. 4—Condors on Hold/Wild and Scenic Kern River/Monarch Project
May, Vol. 33, No. 5—Saving Bay Wetlands/Skyline Ridge Field Trip/ByLaws Change
June, Vol. 33, No. 6—What to do When You See A Banded Bird/Video Birding/Matadero Creek
Not published July or August
September, Vol. 33, No. 7—The Monarch Project/New Schedule for Kilauea Point NWR/A Field Guide to American Birders
October, Vol. 33, No. 8—Saving the Wetlands/Union City Wetlands Lawsuit Successful/Annual Fall Wild Bird Seed Sale
November, Vol. 33, No. 9—Radio Tagged and Flipper Tagged Seals in Central California/Field Identification Greater and Lesser ScaupSalt Ponds by the bay
December—missing. If you have this issue and are willing to let us borrow and scan it, please contact our office at
January, Vol. 34, No. 1—The Best Laid Plans/Field Identification: Sharp-Shinned and Cooper’s Hawks/Owl Census Underway
February, Vol. 34, No. 2—San Jose Christmas Bird Count Totals & Wrap up/Youth Science Institute/New Legal Fund to Protect Wetlands
March, Vol. 34, No. 3—Birds of Prey Study/Owlers’ Report/New SCVAS Office!
April, Vol. 34, No. 4—Nature Guide Update Planned/California Wildlife, Coastal and Park Land Conservation Act/Mountain Lions Threatened with Hunting Plan
May, Vol. 34, No. 5—Mono Lake/Hudson Ranch Acquired to Help Condors/Gardeners Take Notes!
June, Vol. 34, No. 6—South Bay Wetlands Legal Defense Fund/A Tick Bite Warning/Public Trust: The Mono Lake – San Francisco Bay Connection
Not published July or August
September, Vol. 34, No. 7—Santa Clara County/Mono Lake Fund Appeal & Success/Breeding Bird Atlas
October, Vol. 34, No. 8—Bird Discussion Group/Proposed Marina Threatens Foster City Wetlands/Gil Nets – SB 40
November, Vol. 34, No. 9—Porpoiseless Behavior: Seal of Approval .../...and Fishing Closures to Protect Seabirds and Harbor Porpoise/Introducing Project Feederwatch
December, Vol. 34, No. 10—I Remember Miss Emily/San Jose CBC/Cal Paw Initiative Signature Drie Meets Goal
January, Vol. 35 No. 1—Feeding Winter-Hungry Hummers/SCVAS Endorses Greenbelt Resolution
February, Vol. 35 No. 2—San Jose Christmas Bird Count – 12/20/87/Union City Marshes and Open Space threatened Again/
March, Vol. 35 No. 3—David Gaines 1947-1988/Spring Desert Trip/A New Open Space District for Santa Clara County?
April, Vol. 35 No. 4—Be a Ten Minute Activist/Spring Desert Trip/Advertising and Off-Road Vehicle Destruction in California
May, Vol. 35 No. 5—Alaska’s Rain Forest For Pulp/Union City Conservation Group Needs Help with Legal Fees/San Francisco Estuary Awareness Week
June, Vol. 35 No. 6—SCVAS Birdathon a Big Success/Santa Clara Valley Science and Engineering Fair SCVAS Award Winners/Wildlife Report 1987
Not published July or August
September, Vol. 35 No. 7—Review of “The Birder’s Handbook”/Announcing SCVAS T-Shirts/The Core Pesticide Issues
October, Vol. 35 No. 8—Look Exhibit/San Jose Christmas Bird Count/Birding in China
November, Vol. 35 No. 9—Seasonal Wetlands: Why We Fight to Save Them/Working for a “Clean South Bay” Injured and Orphaned Wildlife
December, Vol. 35 No. 10—Environmental Action News/Burrowing Owl Update/Chapter Wish List
This somewhat pedestrian typeface first appears in January 1989. The gray bar was added March 1990 and this style stood until around 2000.
January, Vol. 36 No. 1—General Plan Revision/SCVAS Legal Fund/Grassroots Activist
February, Vol. 36 No. 2—SCVAS Birdathon 1989/1988 San Jose Christmas Bird Count
March, Vol. 36 No. 3—SCVAS Wetlands Defense Fund Needs You!/Environmental Action Notes
April, Vol. 36 No. 34 (probably should be No. 4. Here starts a series of typos in the issue number that continues throughout the year)—Birdathon 1989/Special Hummingbird Plant Sale
May, Vol. 36 No. 35 (No. 5)—Bird Seed Sale a Big Success/SCVAS Supports New Bottle Bill
June, Vol. 36 No. 36 (No. 6)—Bay Wetlands Vanishing/Yosemite Park Needs Your Help/Birdathon a Success
Not published July or August
September, Vol. 36 No. 34 (No. 7)—Santa Clara Valley Audubon: Past Achievements and Future Goals/”A significant amount of money was donated by the Brownlee Foundation to our Education Fund for the purpose of developing a seasonal wetlands curriculum aimed at 4th and 5th graders in the South Bay”
October, Vol. 36 No. 35 (No. 8)—Golden Eagle CBC Data Raises Questions/Santa Clara Valley Open Space at Risk
November, Vol. 36 No. 35 (No. 9)—Notice of Habitat Endangerment/Pro Esteros Meeting
December, Vol. 36 No. 36 (No. 10)—Christmas Bird Count Nears/CBC T-Shirts and Sweatshirts
January, Vol. 37 No. 1 (‘39’ was scratched out and replaced with ‘37’)—Bay Keeper Visits South Bay/News from the SCC Breeding Bid Atlas
February, Vol. 39 No. 2 (also should be ‘37’)—1989 CBC Report/SCVAS Birdathon 1990
March (Volume numbers were abandoned at this point, so we’ll list what should be the proper volume and number in parentheses from here on. Vol. 37, No. 3)—Clapper Rail Predator Sightings/Local Pristine Wetlands to Be Dumped On?
April (Vol. 37, No. 4)—SF Bay to be Shorebird Reserve Site/Native Forests Conference
May (Vol. 37, No. 5)—Many Migrant Species in Decline/Ancient Forest Protection Act of 1990
June (Vol. 37, No. 6)—A Quilt to Save the Ancient Forest/Protect Nesting and Migrating Birds
Not published July or August
September (Vol. 37, No. 7)—The Mono Lake Battle Goes On/Audubon Field Trip to Mono Lake
October (Vol. 37, No. 8)—What is the Value of the Christmas Bird Count?
November (Vol. 37, No. 9)—Clarifying the “Initiative Soup” on the 1990 November Ballot
December (Vol. 37, No. 10)—Countdown to the 1990 San Jose Christmas Bird Count
January (Vol. 38, No. 1)—Fish and Wildlife Service Fails to List Endangered Species
February (Vol. 38, No. 2)—SCVAS Offers Tips to Help Save Anna’s Hummingbird
March (Vol. 38, No. 3)—Mono Lake theme of Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society 1991 Birdathon
April (Vol. 38, No. 4)—Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society 1991 Birdathon
May (Vol. 38, No. 5)—Immediate Action Crucial to Help Save Our Wetlands/National Ocean Sanctuary
June (Vol. 38, No. 6)—Riparian Habitat in Peril/Birders Can Make a Difference
Not published July or August
September (Vol. 38, No. 7)—President Reports on NAS Convention/Act Now to Slay Monster Toll Road
October (Vol. 38, No. 8)—SCVAS Move to Cupertino Environmental Center Likely/Update on the Burrowing Owl Census
November (Vol. 38, No. 9)—New Coalition Promoting California Water Policy Reform/Memorial Established for Longtime SCVAS Member Harriet Mundy
December (Vol. 38, No. 10)—New Site, New Programs for SCVAS/Countdown to 1991 San Jose Christmas Bird Count
January (Vol. 39, No. 1)—Avian Conservation Center at S.F. Zoological Gardens/Special Field rip to Avian Conservation Center on January 4
February (Vol. 39, No. 2)—The California Gnatcatcher Struggles to Survive/First Annual Audubon Education Day
March (Vol. 39, No. 3)—SCVAS Chapter Birdathon to Raise Money for Wetlands
April (Vol. 39, No. 4)—The Endangered Species Act – Reauthorization Provides an Opportunity to Strengthen the Law
May (Vol. 39, No. 5)—Ballpark Versus Birds/Profile of a Birder: Eva Case
June-August (Vol. 39, No. 6)—Our Threatened Creeks/Birdathon ‘92 Results
September (Vol. 39, No. 7)—Birdathon ‘92 Reaches Goal/Field Notes
October (Vol. 39, No. 8)—SVCAS Urges “NO” on Gridlock – “YES” on A
November (Vol. 39, No. 9)—The Native Plant Garden at McClellan Ranch Park, A Natural Preserve/Nancy Hertert’s Garden
December (Vol. 39, No. 10)—“Partners in Flight” Takes off in California/1992 San Jose Christmas Bird Count
January (Vol. 40, No. 1)—2n Annual Audubon Education Day/In Mountain View: Polluters Point Fingers As Contaminants Ooze Toward The Bay
February (Vol. 40, No. 2)—Christmas Bird Count Report/Audubon’s Ecology Camp at Muscongus Bay, Main
March (Vol. 40, No. 3)—California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Ineffective?/NAS Convenes Statewide Meeting
April (Vol. 40, No. 4)—'93 Birdathon to Support Riparian Conservation/The California Endangered Species Act Endangered
May (Vol. 40, No. 5)—Introducing International Migratory Bird Day/Ticking Off Birds
June–August (Vol. 40, No. 6)—Support Open Space funding Measure/Birdathon 1993 Results
September (Vol. 40, No. 7)—World Renowned Photographer Coming to Palo Alto/Endangered Species Act Legislation Introduced
October (Vol. 40, No. 8)—Census of Burrowing Owls/Festival of the Cranes
November (Vol. 40, No. 9)—Staff Hirings Herald Changes at SCVAS/The First of its Kind!
December (Vol. 40, No. 10)—Bird Inventory Begins On South County Creeks/World Birdwatch ‘93 Field Report
January (Vol. 41, No. 1)—Volunteerism Under Attack!/Sprawl Halted in South Almaden Valley
February (Vol. 41, No. 2)—1993 Christmas Bird Count Results/Meet the New SCVAS Environmental Advocate
March (Vol. 41, No. 3)—Base Closure Impacts Wildlife Habitat/A Few Words from our Advocate
April (Vol. 41, No. 4)—Project Tanager Gets Results/Tricolored Blackbird Census Set for April 23
May (Vol. 41, No. 5)—Birds in the Balance at Asilomar/Celebrate International Migratory Bird Day with Us!
June–August (Vol. 41, No. 6)—Birding at Record Pace in Santa Clara County/The Summer Roundup
September (Vol. 41, No. 7)—Burrowing Owls Gain Ground In Santa Clara/Birdathon 94 Wrapup
October (Vol. 41, No. 8)—SCVAS Educational Programs Thriving/People, Water, Wildlife: National Audubon Convention 1994
November (Vol. 41, No. 9)—Creating Habitat: SCVAS Bird Sanctuary Program/Long Live Mono Lake
December (Vol. 41, No. 10)—What’s Wrong with this Picture?/1994 San Jose Christmas Bird Count
January (Vol. 42, No. 1)—Environmental Gloom? Maybe Not/SCVAS Bird Sanctuary Project Update
February (Vol. 42, No. 2)—San Jose CBC Sets Record—173 Species!/Armchair Activists Get Results
March (Vol. 42, No. 3)—Brown-Headed Cowbird vs. Willow Flycatcher/Habitat Restoration Theme for Earth Day 1995
April (Vol. 42, No. 4)—Creeks, Creeks---Find and Fund Those Birds/Red-shouldered Hawk Locations Sought
May (Vol. 42, No. 5)—Sharing a Passion for Birds/Education Day Survives the Rain
June (Vol. 42, No. 6)—Moss Landing’s Best Kept Secret/Growing a Healthy Outlook: an Editorial
Not published July or August
September (Vol. 42, No. 7)—Audubon Names a New Leader/Birdathon 95 Raises $5,700
October (Vol. 42, No. 8)—Young Audubon Takes Wing/Revegetation and Education
November (Vol. 42, No. 9)—Save Our Schools (Of Salmon, That Is)/SCVAS Then and Now
December (Vol. 42, No. 10)—Once Along A Creek---Calabazas/San Jose Christmas Bird Count
January (Vol. 43, No. 1)—Songbird-Saving Efforts Thriving/SCVAS Wetlands Education Program
February (Vol. 43, No. 2)—The Ninety-Sixth Christmas Bird Count/Summary of Santa Clara County CBC’s
March (Vol. 43, No. 3)—Advocate hails Green Efforts/Once Upon A Creek---San Tomas Aquino
April (Vol. 43, No. 4)—’Freaks’ Plan Birdathon Blitz!/Burrowing Owls Need Help
May (Vol. 43, No. 5)—Once Along A River---The Guadalupe/Sun and Fun at Education Day
June-August (Vol. 43, No. 6)—Birdathon Teams Run Wild Raising $$/Wings Over Cupertino/Introducing Garth Harwood as our new Chapter Manager
September (Vol. 43, No. 7)—Wildlife Refuge in Santa Clara?/View from the Office
October (Vol. 43, No. 8)—Record Duck Migration Expected/Creek Groups to Join Forces
November (Vol. 43, No. 9)—For the Birds---Rebugging Your Home and Garden/Fall is for Birds---and Fundraising
December (Vol. 43, No. 10)—Rude Finches: The Inspiration for Invention/Good News, Bad News
January (Vol. 44, No. 1)—Bluebird Recovery Program Under Way/Audubon Creek & Wetland Programs Draw Raves
February (Vol. 44, No. 2)—1996 Bird Count Results/At Last---Bair Island Comes Home
March (Vol. 44, No. 3)—“Amazing” Open Space Victory/SCVAS Lobbies the Lawmakers
April (Vol. 44, No. 4)—Education Day Sparks Birdathon Effort/Birding from a Bicycle
No May in Archive–If you have this issue and are willing to let us borrow and scan it, please contact our office at
June-August (Vol. 44, No. 6)—Keeping Your Cats Indoors/Why Wrentits Lead Birdathon Brigade
September (Vol. 44, No. 7)—Shade-grown Java a Boon to Birds/Local Specialties, One Big Surprise on Montebello OSP Field Trip
October (Vol. 44, No. 8)—Exciting Bluebird Recovery Program Results/SCVAS Has a Web Page
November (Vol. 44, No. 9)—Setting the Table for Your Winter Birds/Winter Bird-feeding Counts Most
December (Vol. 44, No. 10)—National Audubon Certifies SCVAS---”Outstanding!”/MROSD Clarifies Guidelines for Field Trips to Local Preserves
January (Vol. 45, No. 1)—Big Changes for Bay, Delta in 1998?/”Grandparenting” Chickadees and Titmice
February (Vol. 45, No. 2)—Rarities, Big Numbers on Local 1997 CBC’s/National Wildlife Refuge Improvements Hailed
March (Vol. 45, No. 3)—6th Annual Education Day at McClellan Ranch/Confession: I’m a Big Fan of Floods
April (Vol. 45, No. 4)—Birdathon to Aid Salton Sea, Alviso Boardwalk/International Migratory Bird Day
May (Vol. 45, No. 5)—Big Legal Victory for SCVAS---and Local Birds/Wanted: Your Important Bird Areas
June-August (Vol. 45, No. 6)—New Vision of Cavity Nesters Recovery Program/Helping Local Habitat/Spring is a Lark At Grant Ranch Park
September (Vol. 45, No. 7)—Night on Black Mountain/Adventures in Warblerland, Pt. 1/Audubon, CNPS Team Up for Victory
October (Vol. 45, No. 8)—Adventures in Warblerland, Pt. 2/Something to Work Against – The Alviso Master Plan/Salton Sea Adventure
November (Vol. 45, No. 9)—Bluebird Program Defies Weather, Set Records/Cavity-Nesters Defy/One Bluebird Family’s Story El Nino/
December (Vol. 45, No. 10)—The Holiday Season---Time to Count Birds!Exciting New Education Programs for 1999/San Jose Christmas Bird Count/A Shattering Experience in Almaden Valley
January (Vol. 46, No. 1)—Master Plan Will Change Alviso Forever/Pescadero Marsh Field Trip/Cooper’s Hawk Story
February (Vol. 46, No. 2)—Big Sur’s Ventana Now Condor Country/Craig Breon – 5 Year Anniversary/Green Team Update
March (Vol. 46, No. 3)—Visit The Back Country of Henry W. Coe State Park/Kern Co. Festival.../1998 Santa Clara County Christmas Bird Count
April (Vol. 46, No. 4)—Open Space-- Where the Wild Things Are/Learn to Draw with Edward Rooks/A Broken Promise from IBM?
May (Vol. 46, No. 5)—Catch the Migration Sensation!/Of Local Interest/The Albatross of Midway Atoll
June-August (Vol. 46, No. 6)—Palo Alto Summer Bird Count/Of Local Interest/Humdingers on Birdathon Blitz..
September (Vol. 46, No. 7)—Nome, Sweet Nome!/Local Bird Groups Join Forces/Harriet and Her Wry Wrentits Birdathon Champs
October (Vol. 46, No. 8)—The Story of Marbled Godwit 95-828/Of Local Interest/Unnnder the Booooooardwalk/Central Valley Birding Symposium
November (Vol. 46, No. 9)—A Community in Transition/Morgan Hill-Calero Bird Count Kicks Off New Millenium/”Scope on Membership” Answer Your Questions/
December (Vol. 46, No. 10)—Christmas Bird Counts Need You!!/News from Audubon Canyon Ranch/Happy (?) New Millennium
January (Vol. 47, No. 1)—Props. 12, 13---Your Vote Matters/Advice From a Busy Birder: Become an “Expert” in Your Own Park/SVCAS New Year Wish List
February (Vol. 47, No. 2)—The Great Backyard Bird Count/Of Local Interest/The Saga of Purple Martin 426/IBM Lands Preserved
March (Vol. 47, No. 3)—New Count Highlights 1999 CBC Season/Burrowing Owls Fly Over E-mail/”Wow! Way Cool!”
April (Vol. 47, No. 4)—Bluebird Volunteers Outdo Themselves/Annual Birdathon Set for April 29 – 30/Sequoia Audubon Hosts Water Quality Forum/Discover the Art of Taxidermy!
May (Vol. 47, No. 5)—“The Big Bird” Boosts Bay Project/Volunteer Ventures/Birdathon Team Reports
June-August (Vol. 47, No. 6)—Strong SCVAS Turnout at NAS Convention/Young Birder Saves Hummer/The Rock Wrens’ Birdathon and Geology Expedition
September (Vol. 47, No. 7)—Taking a Gamble on Gambell/Scope on Membership/Board Hears NAS Growth Plan
October (Vol. 47, No. 8)—Birds, Butterflies,--- and Dragonflies?/Scope on Audubon --- Local and Beyond/SCVAS Endorses Water District Tax
November (Vol. 47, No. 9)—Craig Breon Named Executive Director/SCVAS Scope --- The Early Years/Statistics, Anecdotes Highlight Annual Bluebird Social
December (Vol. 47, No. 10)—A Christmas Count Story/Christmas Bird Counting in Mexico/Taking a Stand on Coyote Valley
January (Vol. 48, No. 1)—County Plan for Stanford Protects Foothills/Raptors and Waterfowl Abound on Sacramento v alley Trip/National Audubon Adopts New Membership Straegy
February (Vol. 48, No. 2)—Wayward Wagtail Lands in Alviso/2000 Santa Clara County Christmas Bird Counts/The Biggest Game in Town
March (Vol. 48, No. 3)—Executive Director’s “State of the Chapter”/Water District Creates Community Grants Fund/Hummingbird Day in Santa Cruz
April (Vol. 48, No. 4)—Birdathon to Support New Education Position/In Search of the Elusive Mountain Plover/Time for a Change of Pace
May (Vol. 48, No. 5)—Crucial Habitat Saved in Alviso/Thrasher Survives Collision with Birder/Dramatic Warbler Fallout Follows Storm
June-August (Vol. 48, No. 6)—Rock Wrens Strike Birdathon Gold/SCVAS Celebrates Earth Day/Kids Say the Darndest Things
September (Vol. 48, No. 7)—Burrowing Owl Benefit Extravaganza/ SCVAS Fall Bird Classes/Meet Our New Environmental Advocate
October (Vol. 48, No. 8)—Wetlands & Woodlands Program Thriving/Tree Tobacco Road/Dangerous Ranchland Proposal Defeated ---For Now
November (Vol. 48, No. 9)—Towers Deadly to Migrating Songbirds/The History of <South-Bay-Birds>/Coyote Valley Goes to Court
December (Vol. 48, No. 10)—Rare Bird Sightings: Documentation Required/Four Local Christmas Bird Counts to Brighten Your Holiday Season/Keeping an eye on Creek Polluters
Near the beginning of the new millenium, we switched to all capitals for the masthead. This style persisted until mid-2019.
January (Vol. 49, No. 1)—“Tossing” Stranded Seabirds/Sudden Oak Death and Birding
February (Vol. 49, No. 2)—San Jose CBC Draws 120 Counters/Mapping our Creeks---a New SCVAS Venture
March (Vol. 49, No. 3)—Hard Work + New Ideas = Habitat Savings/Common Interests Could Save Creeks
April (Vol. 49, No. 4)—Annual Fundraising Appleal Nets $57K/Earth Day Around the Bay
May (Vol. 49, No. 5)—Stop, hey--What’s That Sound?/Creekside News, Vol. 4 is Published
June-August (Vol. 49, No. 6)—Introducing Birding at the Bottom of the Bay, 3rd Edition/Los Chivirines Saltarocas Encuentran 128 Especies en El Cinco de Mayo
September-October (Vol. 49, No. 7)—It’s a Good Job---Reason #24San Jose’s Dirty Creeks Exposed
November-December (Vol. 49, No. 8)—SCVAS Protects Vasona Herons/Westwind Battle Heats up in Los Altos Hills
January-February (Vol. 50, No. 1)—Chalk One Up for the Good Guys/Bush Wreaks Environmental Havoc
March-April (Vol. 50, No. 2)—Birdathon Promises Prizes, Fun/Owls Get a Break at Arzino Ranch
May-June (Vol. 50, No. 3)—East Texas Birding Bonanza/Citizens Divided on San Benito Growth Limit Plan
July-August (Vol. 50, No. 4)—Twitchers, Tickers Run Wild/A Summary of Summer Projects
September-October (Vol. 50, No. 5)—A Six-pack to Go/Teed Off at Links Developers
November-December (Vol. 50, No. 6)—New Faces, New projects/SCVAS Considers Legal Action to Protect Penetencia Creek
January-February (Vol. 51, No. 1)—Good News, Bad News/EPA-approved Study Says Wetlands Cause Pollution
March-April (Vol. 51, No. 2)—Time to Round up Those Birds!/The Futhure of McClellan Ranch and Blackberry Farm---(mostly) Good News
May-June (Vol. 51, No. 3)—Audubon at Home/Up Against the Big Boys/SCVAS Settles Penitencia Creek Lawsuit
July-August (Vol. 51, No. 4)—Snipe Hunters Edge Wry Wrentits/Ulistac’s Link to Global Biodiversity
September-October (Vol. 51, No. 5)—Sierra Birding Hard to Beat/South County Update: Frogs, Golf, and “Biostitution”
November-December (Vol. 51, No. 6)—Getting Old, But … Retiring? --- Never/Sargent Ranch Gateway at Risk Again
December (Vol. 51, No. 6)—1994 – 2004: A Look Back .../What Does Future Hold for SCVAS? (Special Edition: Craig Breon’s 11 years at SCVAS)
January-February (Vol. 52, No. 1)—Peace, Trees, and Good Governance/13th Wildlife Education Day a Grand Success!!
March-April (Vol. 52, No. 2)—Time for Spring Birdathon Challenge!/The Big Birds – Progress at Altamont
May-June (Vol. 52, No. 3)—Introducing New Executive Director Brenda Torres-Barreto/Staff, Volunteers Energize Wetlands Discovery Program
July-August (Vol. 52, No. 4)—Coyote Valley on Fast Attack?/Birding for the Birds
September-October (Vol. 52, No. 5)—14th Annual Wildlife Education Day Oct. 22 ---Don’t Miss It!/In Birding, Anything is Possible
November-December (Vol. 52, No. 6)—Exploring So. County’s Soap Lake/Global Warming and Wildlife
January-February (Vol. 53, No. 1)—A brief history of SCVAS on our 80th anniversary/Recovery Plan for the Endangered Species Act
March-April (Vol. 53, No. 2)—SCVAS Spring Birdathon Wants YOU!/Up Close and Personal
May-June (Vol. 53, No. 3)—New Initiatives for Burrowing Owl/Farewell from Brenda Torres-Barreto
July-August (Vol. 53, No. 4)—Introducing Bob Power as the new Executive Director/New Executive Director Has a Passion/Could I Possibly Miss That Commute?
September-October (Vol. 53, No. 5)—Conservation Issues, Local to Global/ Birding Belize Benefits SCVAS
November-December (Vol. 53, No. 6)—Creek & Watershed Maps Highlight Local Habitat, History/Triumphs and Frustrations: Closing Out the 2005-2006 Nestbox Season
January-February (Vol. 54, No. 1)—Counting Burrowing Owls in Santa Claara County/Craig Breon to Spearhead SCVAS Mitigation Monitoring
March-April (Vol. 54, No. 2)—Sign Up NOW for the 2007 SCVAS Spring Birdathon/Burrowing Owls
May-June (Vol. 54, No. 3)—Please Join US for the 2007 Burrowing Owls Census!/California Desert Hawk Watch
July-August (Vol. 54, No. 4)—Audubon Comments Submitted to Spice up Salt Pond Project/Audubon-at-Home: SCVAS’ Bird Sanctuary Program
September-October (Vol. 54, No. 5)—Santa Clara County Breeding Bird Atlas – Coming Soon!/Common Birds in Decline
November-December (Vol. 54, No. 6)—The Atlas is Coming! The Atlas is Coming!/Santa Clara County Cavity Nesters Recovery Program Results 1997 to 2007
January-February (Vol. 55, No. 1)—The 2008 SCVAS Spring Birdathon Wants YOU!/16th Annual Wildlife Education Day: Another Smashing Success!
March-April (Vol. 55, No. 2)—What Do Bird Lovers and Fish Lovers Have in Common?/2007 Christmas Bird Count Summaries
May-June (Vol. 55, No. 3)—A Creek Runs Through It/Earth Day, Earth Month – Earth Day Every Day!
July-August (Vol. 55, No. 4)—What Were the Creeks Like Before We Came?/Birdathon 2008: Our Biggest Ever!
September-October (Vol. 55, No. 5)—Birds Along Our Urban Creeks/Mitigation Monitoring Has Many Rewards
November-December (also Friends of Audubon Letter) (Vol. 55, No. 6)—A Tradition of Creeks Advocacy/Santa Clara County Cavity Nesters Recovery Program Nest Box Results 2003 through 2008 (You Are Invited/Field Sketching of Birds)
January–February (Vol. 56, No. 1)—The 2009 SCVAS Spring Birdathon Wants YOU!/Volunteer Ventures
March–April (Vol. 56, No. 2)—You Are Invited .../The 2009 SCVAS Spring Birdathon Wants YOU!
May–June (Vol. 56, No. 3)—The Perils of Wind Power/Volunteer Ventures
July–August (also Friends of Audubon Letter) (Vol. 56, No. 4)—You Are Invited.../Return of the Advocate (Birdathon 2009 – Participation at an All-time High!/SCVAS’ Bird Sanctuary Program: Summer 2009 Updates)
September–October (also Friends of Audubon Letter) (Vol. 56, No. 5)—An interview with Matthew Dodder: Ten Years of Life, Love and Birding/Volunteer Ventures (Dear Friends of Audubon/Field Trips)
November–December (Vol. 56, No. 6)—Big News from the Environmental Front: Shani Kleinhaus joins SCVAS as our Environmental Advocate/Volunteer Ventures
In 2012 We switched to a more stylized logo and a lighter typeface
January–February (Vol. 66, No. 1)—
July–August—Introduction of Matthew Dodder as new Executive Director
Fall—30-year anniversary of Wetlands Discovery Program
Winter, Vol. 68 No 1.—937 acres in Coyote Valley preserved as wildlife habitat
Spring, Vol. 68 No 2.
July Update — email, 24 June
Summer, Vol 68 No 3.
August Update — email, 24 July
Fall, Vol 68 No 4.
September Update — email, 26 August
September Update 2 — email, 11 September
October Update — email, 25 September
November Update — email, 27 October 2020
December Update — email, 24 November 2020
Winter, Vol. 69 No 1.
January Update — email, 7 January 2021
February Update — email, 28 January 2021
Spring, Vol. 69 No 2.
March Update — email, 25 February 2021
April Update — email, 29 March 2021
May Update — email, 30 April 2021
Summer, Vol. 69 No 3.
June Update — email, 27 May 2021
July Update — email, 25 June 2021
August Update — email, 26 July 2021
August Field Trip Addendum — email, 26 July 2021
Fall, Vol. 69 No 4. (also as 2-page spreads)
September Update — email, 26 August 2021
Winter, Vol. 70 No. 1 (also as 2-page spreads)
January Update — email
February Update — email
Spring, Vol. 70 No. 2 (also as 2-page spreads)
March Update — email
April Update — email
May Update — email
Summer, Vol. 70 No. 3 (also as 2-page spreads)
June Update — email
July Update — email
August Update — email
Fall, Vol. 70 No. 4 (also as 2-page spreads)
September Update — email
October Update — email
November Update — email
December Update — email
Winter, Vol. 71 No. 1 (also as 2-page spreads)
January Update — email
February Update — email
Spring, Vol. 71 No. 2 (also as 2-page spreads)
March Update — email
April Update — email
May Update — email
Summer, Vol. 71 No. 3 (also as 2-page spreads)
June Update — email
July Update — email
August Update — email
Fall, Vol. 71 No. 4 (also as 2-page spreads)
September Update — email
October Update — email
November Update — email
See The Avocet page for the current issues.
A summary of issues still missing
If you have any of these issues and are willing to let us borrow and scan them, please contact our office at
1931 October(?) issue
1932-1946 any issues. Was there even a newsletter these years?
1948 August(?) issue
1949 July and August issues
1950 July and September issues
1953 September issue
1954 July and August issues
1957 March-April and May-June issues
1976-1979 any issues
1980 January through November issues
1981 December issue
1982 February issue
1986 December issue
1997 May issue
Our sincere thanks to volunteer Dick Blaine for scanning and organizing our entire Avocet archive! Barry Langdon-Lassagne uploaded the files and created the links — if you find a link that points to an incorrect issue or other problems with this page, please contact Barry.
Banner Photo Credit: Wrentit by Vivek Khanzode