Birdcassos Team Report

On Wednesday April 7, the Birdcassos spread out across the county to draw, paint and sketch as many birds as possible in a single day. This book captures the stories of artists Mary Ann Allen, Matthew Dodder, Leena Khanzode, Carolyn Knight, Barry Langdon-Lassagne, Audry Nicklin, Shweta Shidhore, Cristina Thorson, Mary Wisnewski and Floy Zittin along with a few enthusiastic children: Sava, Ellis, Rahna and Rohan all of whom created their art in their unique and individual style. In all, the team created representations of 96 different species of local birds. A great feat!

Here’s a taste of what’s inside…

A page from Floy Zittin’s journal

A page from Floy Zittin’s journal

Burrowing Owl by Matthew Dodder

Burrowing Owl by Matthew Dodder

Forster’s Terns in flight, Matthew Dodder

Forster’s Terns in flight, Matthew Dodder

American Avocet by Leena Khanzode

American Avocet by Leena Khanzode

Acorn Woodpecker by Audry Nicklin

Acorn Woodpecker by Audry Nicklin

Black-crowned Night-Heron by Shweta Shidhore

Black-crowned Night-Heron by Shweta Shidhore

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And in case you missed them last year…

Download the 2020 Birdcassos Book
Read the 2020 Birdcassos story

Banner Photo: Ruddy Duck by Cristina Thorson