Digital Billboards in San Jose? Tell the City Thanks but No Thanks!
Two years ago, with barely any public outreach, San Jose City Council prioritized the placement of Digital Billboards on City owned Properties (Phase I) and on private properties (Phase II). Phase I is complete, and the city is now making progress on Phase II. Now is your chance to tell the City that they should no longer prioritize the proliferation of digital signs and billboards.
Digital signs and billboards create visual clutter and light pollution that affects our ecosystems, our health, our safety, and our quality of life in many ways:
Harmful to Birds and Wildlife: Light pollution interferes with biological function and behavior in all living things. It disorients migratory birds and disrupts foraging, breeding, and success in raising young.
Harmful to Our Health: Light pollution has been linked to many modern diseases, including cancer, diabetes, obesity, affective disorders, anxiety, and more.
Increasing Visual Clutter: Digital signs and billboards will increase light pollution and fill our environment with advertisements.
Distracting Drivers: Digital signs and billboards can distract drivers and cause accidents, potentially harming bicyclists and pedestrians as well.
Invading Our Privacy: Digital signs and billboards are profitable because they communicate with our electronic devices. They know where we were and where we are going - they spy on us!
Lack of Accountability: The City suggests that old signs will be removed, but many old signs were constructed without permits, and the City cannot ensure that old signs will be removed in an equitable way.
Lack of Content Control: The City cannot control the display of billboards on private property.
What can you do?
Take a City sponsored survey (13 questions) in English, Spanish, or Vietnamese.
This survey measures your level of support or opposition to new digital billboards. Here is your opportunity to tell San Jose that you oppose all new digital signs.
The survey negotiates terms under which you may support some locations for electronic billboards, or other ways for the city to process and allow digital billboards on private properties in San Jose. We hope that you will oppose all digital signs and billboards. You may even comment and ask the Council to reverse their previous approval of digital billboards on city owned properties!
Contact the Mayor and City Council and ask them to stop all work on digital signs and billboards immediately.
You can contact your Council Member via email or phone here.
Not sure who your Council Member is? Check this map.