Action Alert: Lighting of Creekside Bicycle Superhighways - Where is the balance?

When: Wednesday, January 19, 10AM-12PM
What is happening? Santa Clara Basin Watershed Management Initiative is hosting a workshop to discuss Creekside Bicycle Superhighway, lighting and “the many benefits and challenges of implementing these active transportation facilities along creeks and other water bodies in our urban areas.”
Speakers include:

  • Lauren Ledbetter, Valley Transportation Authority

  • Shiloh Ballard, Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition

  • Shani Kleinhaus, Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society

  • Liz Sewell, City of San Jose

  • Lisa Bankosh, Valley Water

  • Rob Stanley and Brenda Blinn, California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife

What can you do? Please participate and ask questions about the effects of trails on riparian ecosystems, noise generated from electric mobility vehicles, how to best enjoy nature while protecting wildlife and birds, the adverse effects of lighting on habitat quality, biology, and animal movement in the riparian corridor, and how we should measure successful projects. Use comments to express: What do you use trails for? What does a good trail look like for you? Have you experienced conflicts among users on creekside trails?

Register Here After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Thank you,

Giulianna Pendleton

Environmental Advocacy Assistant