Giulianna Pendleton, our newest staff member
Advocacy is crucial to the SCVAS mission, and you are an important part of its success. Recently, thanks to your generosity, we added Giulianna Pendleton to our staff as part-time Environmental Advocacy Assistant. She has already made a difference—her advocacy convinced Los Gatos to include Bird Safe Design and Dark Sky in the town’s General Plan update. To enable her to continue this good work, her position needs funding.
Over the years, SCVAS has provided opportunities for young college graduates like Giulianna to help them become confident environmental advocates. With your help, we can extend Giulianna’s engagement beyond this fall so she can continue to support our Advocacy program, gain experience, and further develop her skills.
San Jose at night. Do we really need another bright distraction for our migrating birds? Photo by Keith Wandry
Victories for the birds. Our efforts to protect birds and enhance their habitat in our cities continue with sharp focus on urban forests, parks, streetscapes, and the built environment. Educating the public of the benefit of Dark Sky on our birds is an increasing part of our work. We made great strides in this effort this year with positive results:
Cupertino adopted a strong Bird Safety and Dark Sky ordinance
Mountain View prioritized Biodiversity in the new strategic plan for the city
Google’s Downtown West project in San Jose incorporates stream restoration, native trees and exceeds the bird safety measures required by the City.
Large projects in Mountain View and Sunnyvale include creek restoration components as well as native plant and pollinator gardens.
Nesting Black Skimmers and Forster’s Terns on the Sailing lake island of Shoreline Park are better protected from disturbance
Smith Creek above San Jose. Photo Matthew Dodder
Green Heron. Photo by Dwight Agan
Challenges ahead. Habitat, lighting and Bird-Safe Design are becoming part of every discussion! Some projects however, advance despite the danger to wildlife. Our advocates speak loud and clear to highlight the potential harm to birds and their fragile ecosystems.
As such, the massive Almaden Office project, just a few feet from the Guadalupe River, needs our attention. We never stop working to preserve—even create—viable habitats for birds and advocating for Dark Sky, which is so important to bird migration. The San Jose Light Tower project on Arena Green continues to require close monitoring. As we advocate for urban habitat and for open space in Coyote Valley and along our waterways and the bay,
Giulianna gives our concerns a new and energetic voice.
The birds need your help. Please consider giving to our Environmental Action campaign today. By contributing, you will be helping protect our birds, their habitat, and their future. You can make Audubon’s voice heard. Thank you for your continued support!