The year has just started, and our advocacy team is already engaged in issues all along Santa Clara County. In the south, Gilroy is considering allowing digital billboards that will blast motorists on 101 with advertisements and pollute the night sky. The Planning Commission will discuss this February 2nd, so if you are interested in helping us voice opposition to digital billboards, please contact
In Palo Alto, at the north of the county, we opposed a proposal to build a sprawling private estate on a meadow within 20-feet from Los Trancos creek - a designated critical steelhead habitat. We pointed out that the proximity to the creek is harmful to the riparian ecosystem, birds, fish and wildlife and may destabilize the creek banks. Council listened, and sent the project to the Planning Commission with direction to consider a wider setback from the creek (about 40-feet), minimize lighting in the riparian corridor, incorporate bird safety measure to reduce the potential of bird striking glass, eliminate of fencing that could impede wildlife movement along the creek, and ensure that small animals, like salamanders, cannot access the swimming pool. Furthermore, council has initiated a process that will soon update the City’s Stream CorridorProtection Ordinance. If you are interested in helping us protect Palo Altos streams and riparian ecosystems, please contact
We continue to engage in other locations. We are following Master Plans in Sunnyvale and Mountain View, development projects in San Jose, and have written opinions opposing the proliferation of industrial scale greenhouses and mushroom farms in Coyote Valley. We also continue to advocate for responsible lighting and bird-safe design, and against electric bikes on unpaved trails in natural areas. Please contact for more information.