Photo by Jitze Couperus
Lehigh Quarry and Cement Plant: 2,135 violations and counting
Tomorrow, June 7th, our County Board Of Supervisors will receive a report on all noticed violations of permits, laws, statutes, ordinances and other regulations and court actions involving Lehigh Cement Plant and Quarry over the past ten years. The report shows over 2,135+ violations in 10 years - on average, that is 4 violations per week! You can access the report here.
How much have taxpayers invested in processing and monitoring these violations? and what is the cost of polluting our air and watersheds? What about costs to public health?
Please email the Board of Supervisors TODAY.
Subject: Agenda Item #29: Lehigh Cement Plant and Quarry Violations Over Last 10 Years
In the email: (Please introduce yourself) and:
Remind the Supervisors that in February, they directed County staff to research options for acquiring and shutting down the quarry and cement plant and restoring the local environment.
Ask the Supervisors to monitor compliance and impose significant fines on Lehigh for all violations, past and future.
Ask the Supervisors to find a way to close Lehigh environmentally hazardous operation, and stop the pulverization of our landscape.