Overfelt Gardens Plan Survey #2

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Overfelt Gardens Plan Survey #2

Overfelt Gardens Park was designed to be a beautiful, peaceful, and regenerating place. Lakes, a native plant garden, a native oaks forest and Chinese heritage structures give this San Jose park a unique glow - it is truly a gem. But years of drought and lagging maintenance took their toll and the gardens assumed a somewhat tired look. Despite the neglect, bioblitzes we conducted at Overfelt Garden in 2017 and 2018 discovered 194 species in only a few hours of nature exploration at the park! Please read our report here.

Now, San Jose is in the process of creating a Master Plan to rejuvenate, revitalize, and activate the park. Information about the proposed themes for the new Master Plan are available on the City’s website here and new SURVEY is available here. You can also learn more about the information about the Chinese Cultural Garden here and here.

We hope you find a few minutes to take the survey and ask for natural, peaceful areas to be restored and expanded. Also, we hope you find time to visit Overfelt Gardens!

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