Join us for a discussion on the complex ecosystem of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta with senior environmental scientist, Aaron Haiman. Aaron will be sharing his experiences working in and birding this area, along with sections of his new book, Birds of the California Delta. The Delta is a fascinating example of the challenges of conflicting interests in California open spaces, with shareholders competing for water, land, and funding in an area where agriculture, conservation, water rights, and shipping are all concerns. On top of all of these complications are the birds of the Delta, who's distinctive shapes can be found throughout this wetland habitat.
About me: I am a Senior Environmental Scientist working for a California State Agency named the Wildlife Conservation Board where my focus is on projects that improve stream and rivers conditions statewide. I have been a birder my whole life beginning with volunteering at the Golden Gate Raptor Observatory when I was 11 and including Point Blue Conservation Science, many internships studying various aspects of bird ecology, a BS in Environmental Science from UC Berkeley where I examined urban Cooper's Hawk diet, and two Master of Science degrees from UC Davis (Avian Science and Animal Behavior) studying the biogeography of Evening Grosbeaks. Prior to working at the Wildlife Conservation Board, I worked for over five years at the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy managing grants for habitat restoration projects across the Delta.
About the book: I have lived and worked in the Delta for many years, and have visited to bird this landscape for many years more. This book is an introduction to the very special place that is the Delta and to some of the characteristic birds you might find there.