We’ve come up with some great ideas for places you can bird on your own or with your household. Our self-guided trips will direct you to where to bird each month and provide advice on which birds to look for in which habitats. Special attention has been given to sites that are usually uncrowded and make social distancing possible.
All self-guided Trips
Browse all of our self-guided trips by type, location, or season (fall, winter, spring and summer), view by region: Bayfront, Urban Areas, West Hills, East Hills and South County, or pick a location or region from the map below. We also have a comprehensive Index.
Along the bayfront in Mountain View, Shoreline Lake offers close-range views of waterbirds like Surf Scoters and Eared Grebes, occasional less-common species such as Horned Grebe and Barrow’s Goldeneye, and the ever-present possibility of finding an ocean-going rarity. Ducks are most numerous in winter, while in early spring, the spectacle of breeding Black Skimmers and Forster’s Terns returns to the lake.