1. Eligibility

  • Anyone can participate, including SCVAS members and non-members, Birdathon Committee members, volunteers, SCVAS staff and members of the Board of Directors.

  • Although SCVAS staff and members of the Board of Directors can participate and place in the competition, they are prohibited from receiving any Most Money Prizes; if they do place in the competition, their allotted prize will go to the next eligible participant.

  • SCVAS staff and members of the Board of Directors are eligible to win game prizes at the Awards Event.

2. Birding and Team Rules

  • Count or photograph bird species with your team on your Birdathon day only within the Birdathon Participation Window (March 25–May 5, 2024).

  • Your Birdathon MUST be done in one contiguous block of time, specified by your Team Category, that encompasses all activities: counting, photographing, driving, walking, biking, eating, breaks, etc.

  • You MUST count within Santa Clara County to be eligible for Most Species and Rarest Bird Award Categories but you can count anywhere in the world to compete for Most Money Raised award categories!

  • Teams may consist of as few as one member; there is no maximum (unless specified by the leader).

  • Join as many teams as you like, but you MUST raise at least $50 per team. If you are 21 years or younger, you only need to raise $15 per person per team.

  • To compete in the “Most Species” and “Rarest Bird” categories, team members must stay within sight of each other. Distributed teams (teams that split up and bird separate locations) are eligible for “Most Species - Distributed”.

  • Bird song tapes and "pishing" are discouraged. Be especially sensitive of disturbing rare or endangered/threatened birds that you encounter.

  • We ask all teams to abide by the American Birding Association Code of Ethics.

3. Team Categories

  • In the Traditional Birdathon, birds can be identified by sight or sound. Team participants must bird within sight of one another.

  • In the Photographer's Birdathon, birds must be identifiable in the photograph taken. Do NOT submit photos

  • Categories (all teams are eligible for “Most Money Raised”):

    • Traditional (eligible for “Most Species” and “Rarest Bird”)

      • 24-Hour - Identify birds between 10- and 24-hours

      • 10-Hour - Identify birds between 4- and 10-hours

      • 4-Hour - Identify birds between 0- and 4-hours

    • Distributed (eligible for “Most Species - Distributed” and “Rarest Bird”)

      • 24-Hour, 10-Hour, and 4-Hour - similar to Traditional teams above, but team members need not follow the “sight rule”

      • All participants must bird within the same time period

    • Photography (eligible for “Most Species Photographed”, “Best Bird Photograph”)

      • 24-Hour Photography - Photograph birds between 10- and 24-hours

      • 10-Hour Photography - Photograph birds between 4- and 10-hours

      • 4-Hour Photography - Photograph birds between 0- and 4-hours

    • Big Sit - identify birds from within one 30-foot diameter circle between 0- and 4-hours

4. Winning Awards

  • Trip reports, a list of species observed and one or more photographs from your trip must be submitted by May 13 to be eligible for prizes.

  • While we can receive donations anytime, all winners are determined by individual results submitted by each participant before the Results Submission Deadline, Monday May 13 at 5:00PM. We cannot make exceptions for any reason.

  • Individual award winners are determined by the sum total of donations by an individual across all teams that the individual participated in.

  • All team totals are calculated from submitted individual results for that team.

5. Award Categories

  • Most Money Raised by an Individual - Your grand total of all money raised for all the teams you join will determine your placement on a prize selection list. The more money you raise, the higher your placement on the list. Donors must specify you as the fundraiser in order to be considered in your final fundraising tally. The committee will contact the top money raisers in the order they appear on the list so that they can choose a prize. Count anywhere in the world to compete for this award.

  • Most Money Raised by a Team - The team that raises the most money in each of the 24-hour (Counters and Photographers combined) and 4-hour (Counters and Photographers combined) and Big Sit Categories (Counters) will win a prize AND have their team name engraved on a plaque. Count anywhere in the world to compete for this award.

  • Most Species Seen by a Counter's Team - The team that counts the most bird species from each of the 24- and 4-hour and Big Sit Categories will have their team name engraved on a plaque. Count within Santa Clara County only to compete for this award.

  • Most Species Seen by a Distributed Team - The distributed team that counts the most bird species from each of the 24- and 4-hour categories will be recognized. Count within Santa Clara County only to compete for this award.

  • Most Species Photographed by a Team - The team that photographs the most bird species from each of the 24- and 4-hour Categories will have their team name announced at the Birdathon Awards Event. You do not have to submit any photographs. Photograph within Santa Clara County only to compete for this award. Top photos will be highlighted on our website.

  • Rarest Bird - The team in any Team Category that spots the most unusual bird will have their team name engraved on a plaque. Observations within Santa Clara County only to compete for this award. Rare birds will require confirmation in the form of a written description of the observation, field sketches, photographs, or sound recordings. The best way to confirm a rare bird is to enter it into eBird (with photos, description, etc.) and have the County eBird checklist reviewer confirm the sighting.

  • Prizes won via the award categories above will be announced at the Awards Event. Arrangements will be made to pick up your prize at the SCVAS headquarters at McClellan Ranch after the event date if you are unable to attend.

  • Additional prizes may be given at the Awards Event for contests, games, quizzes, or as door prizes. All attendees are eligible.

6. Fundraising

  • Any donation sponsoring an entire team will be equally divided among all registered team members.


  • After you’ve completed your Birdathon competition, fill out the Team Results Online Form or print out the Downloadable PDF and return it to the SCVAS office at 22221 McClellan Road, Cupertino, CA 95014.

Go to main Birdathon page.