Volunteer Opportunities May 2024


SCVAS is recruiting students with a passion for the environment and an interest in social media to assist in content creation across SCVAS’s social media platforms. We are looking for content on local conservation and environmental issues, informative accounts of local species and habitat. Interns will attend a biweekly zoom meeting, attend at least two SCVAS events each month, and will be responsible for postings to SCVAS’s Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and other platforms.

Interested students can apply by sending a social media portfolio and a one-minute video on a local environmental issue, or local species of wildlife they are passionate about, to Carolyn Knight at programs@scvas.org. Further details here.

Egret Office Hours: A Curious Colony

Are you a bird lover who loves to meet new people? Join the Egret Office Hours team to share the love of the egrets and herons of Shorebird Way in Mountain View. Through the breeding season, volunteers are available during lunch on select Wednesday to show the nests and hatchlings of the breeding colony to the public. In addition to sharing the wonderful part of the birds’ life cycle with people, this is also an opportunity to discuss local conservation efforts, the importance of protecting breeding habitat, and introduce people to the joy of birding!


SCVAS is looking for reliable volunteers to help run the nature shop on an as-needed basis. Volunteers are responsible for answering basic birding and wildlife related questions for the public over the phone and in person, entering sales in the Nature Shop, filling and cleaning the feeders and bird baths, and helping with the occasional mailing.

Contact April Austin at scvas@scvas.org for further information.