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Bay Area Bird Photographers (BABP)

Tanzania's Rich Tapestry of Birds and Supporting Cast
Please note that this meeting will be online.

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Presenter: John Richardson

In Tanzania’s great Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Tarangire national parks there are no fences, no jet trails high overhead, no paved roads, just seemingly endless savanna punctuated with kopjes (some of the oldest granite deposits on Earth), ancient euphorbias, and thorn trees. There are forests to be sure at Lake Manyara and Arusha national parks and high altitude volcanoes. I was struck by the sheer numbers and varieties of birds, many of which we had not seen before except, perhaps, on a previous trip to Uganda. Mammals in great herds were constantly moving, enjoying their freedom from humans and just following the water and vegetation within the huge national parks. The big cats were there too, to keep the herds in check. It struck me as a healthy ecosystem – but just a snapshot of what Africa was like millions of years before humans came on the scene and exerted our will over nature. There are incredible photographic opportunities every day, as well as wonderful people and guides showcasing their home.

My talk will center on the rich and colorful tapestry of birds and some examples of convergent evolution, with some Big 5 mammals.


Banner photo: Copyright: John Richardson