• Send out a thank you to participants with a link to the eBird checklist if one was generated. You can either use the Ticketbud emailing feature or your own email.*

  • On your ebird list, add “Santa Clara Valley Bird Alliance field trip with [your name] leading. For more information about membership, field trips and classes, visit” to the comments section of the ebird report.

  • On your ebird list, add your trip attendees to the participant list by using the “share” feature (email me if you need help).*

  • Bonus Points! Write-up a South Bay Birds post (

  • If you took any photos that would be good for our web page or newsletter, submit them to me (let me know who opted out of the publicity release).

* Use Ticketbud to get a list of trip attendee emails. See the “CSV List of Trip Attendees Emails” part of the Ticketbud instructions located in the left-hand column.