Other Leader Resources

Matthew Dodder
We are looking for trip leaders for Merced NWR and other further afield trips. If you would like to consider leading one of these trips (hopefully annually), Matthew has offered to train you.

Field Trip Committee
The field trip committee is responsible for planning and publishing our field trips. Meetings are held the 3rd Monday of the month at noon. All are welcome! Please email fieldtrips@scvas.org if you’d like to attend.

If you have any questions regarding how to make your trip more accessible, email Unice Chang, one of our volunteers, at unice_chang@yahoo.com.

Name Badges
Name badges (call office first) may be picked up at the SCVBA office. Arrangements can be made through Carolyn Knight, our Education and Outreach Specialist, at programs@scvas.org.

Business Cards
Volunteer business cards are available to the field trip leaders.  Pick them up in the SCVAS office.

Birding at the Bottom of the Bay and The Breeding Atlas of Santa Clara County
Birding at the Bottom of the Bay and The Breeding Atlas of Santa Clara County are free to new SCVAS members and to field trip leaders. Pick up your copy in the SCVBA office.

Binoculars and Scope
Additional binoculars and a scope are available for trip leader use. Arrangements can be made through Carolyn Knight, our Education and Outreach Specialist, at programs@scvas.org.  Please reserve ahead of time - the binoculars are mainly used by the Wetlands Discovery Program.

Index of SCVAS trips, 2020 -
Use this index to see where and when past SCVBA trips have been led.

Index of SCVAS trips, 1989-2020 
Use this index to see where and when past SCVBA trips have been led.

South Bay Birds
Join this group to learn all about different birding hot spots and which birds are seen when and where. 

Tips for Beginner Birders
If you would like to email tips to the beginner birders in your group, you can refer them to our getting started in birding web page.