SCVBA uses Ticketbud for our reservation system so that we can control group sizes. Leaders can use Ticketbud to email attendees with any trip reminders, trip changes, ebird lists, etc.
Getting Started with Ticketbud
You will need to create an account in Ticketbud to access and manage your trips.
After you have scheduled your trips with the Field Trip Coordinator, you will receive an email from scvasfieldtrips@gmail.com inviting you to “collaborate” for each of your events. It is your link to your event in Ticketbud. Alternatively, you can log into Ticketbud at any time to manage/view your trips.
Once your event is created in Ticketbud, please review it. If there are errors, let the field trip coordinator know.
If you don’t want to use Ticketbud or can not, please let the field trip coordinator know.
Viewing your RSVPs
Go to your account in Ticketbud.
Select the red “manage event” button under the trip of interest. This will take you to your event dashboard where you can view the total RSVPs for your event. This page will also show you the number of cancellations.
Use the “Check-In” selection in the blue left hand column if you’d like to see a list of names of your attendees.
Emailing your Trip Attendees within Ticketbud
Log into Ticketbud
Select “Event” in the left hand column, select your upcoming event.
Once in your event, in the blue left hand column, click “Promotion”.
In the lower right corner of the new screen, click "Email Attendees".
In the next screen, click "+ New Email". It’s the red box in the upper right hand corner. Now you should see a blank email form that you can fill out then select “Send Email”.
Note, that the email you send out will look like it is from Ticketbud so be sure to include the SCVAS trip and your contact info in the email.
Alternatively, you can select “Reports” in the blue left hand column, select the blue “Export CSV” button in the “All Tickets” box. Then select “Download CSV.” Copy the emails from that spreadsheet and use your own email to send a message to your attendees.
CSV List of Trip Attendees’ Emails
You can get a csv list of attendee emails which is then easy to copy and paste into eBird or an email message.
Go to your Ticketbud page for your event.
Select “Reports” in the blue left hand column.
Select the blue “View Report” button in the “All Tickets” box.
Select the “Export to CSV” option, then select “Download to CSV”.
Open your CSV file then remove any people who have deactivated their tickets.
Now you can copy the emails from that spreadsheet and use the list to send attendees an email from your own email address. I also copy and paste the list into eBird.
Alternatively, I can generate the list and email it to you.
Ticketbud doesn’t have a waiting list.
Ticketbud does not automatically remind attendees of their upcoming event. I will send out a simple reminder for you.