The Process

Field trips are scheduled monthly but can be scheduled as far in advance as you would like.


  • The field trip coordinator will send out a request for trips at the beginning of the month.

  • Trip leaders should turn in their trip descriptions by the 20th of each the month.

  • Before picking a date for your trip, check our planning calendar to make sure the date is open. Try not to schedule your trips when other trips are going out. In some cases, we can have two trips on the same day. This works when trips are on opposite sides of the county or are designed for different audiences.

  • Trips will be submitted using a Google form that the field trip coordinator will send out. You will be asked to provide information such as date, time, starting point and a short description of your trip.

  • The Field trip leaders are responsible for knowing the parking availability, park opening times, bathroom availability, holiday schedules, etc. of the field trip location.

  • Field trip leaders are responsible for making sure the driving directions are correct.  We have most of the directions already written and proofread but trip leaders should read through these directions carefully in case details have changed.  Pre-written directions can be found in the “Driving Directions to Trip Locations” document linked in the left-hand column.

  • All trips require a leader and a co-leader.  If you do not have a co-leader already picked out, the field trip coordinator will help you find one.

  • Once trips are submitted, they are proofread by the field trip committee.  The field trip committee also creates the Ticketbud pages (our RSVP system) and web pages for each event.

  • After the Ticketbud pages are generated, you will be asked to proofread your trip.

  • Your trips will be published on the SCVAS web page about the 28th of each month.

Scheduling Co-leaders

  • About the 24th of every month the field trip coordinator will send out an email with a list of trips that need co-leaders. If the trip leader has any special requests it will go out in that email.

  • If you’d like to help out, pick one or two of the trips.

  • Your name and phone number will be added to the trip descriptions and you will be given access to the event in Ticketbud. Ticketbud allows you to see who has signed up and email the attendees if necessary.

A few days before your event

  • The field trip coordinator will send the leader and co-leaders a reminder email.

  • The field trip coordinator will send the attendees a simple reminder email.

After the Event

  • The field trip coordinator will send the leader and co-leaders a follow-up email to the leader and co-leader.