Leader/Co-Leader Responsibilities

All SCVBA field trips require 2 volunteers, a leader and a co-leader, who have signed SCVBA volunteer contracts.  

Leader Responsibilities

  • Select the field trip locations, routes, dates and times

  • Submit the trip description

  • Wear your name badge

  • Give the introduction/wrap-up at the beginning/end of the trip

  • Set the pace of the trip

  • Keep the bird list or ask your co-leader to keep the list

  • Try to end the trip on time

  • Read TIPS

Co-Leader Responsibilities

  • Check-in with the trip leader to see what help the leader may want. This could include keeping the eBird list, bringing a scope if you have one, etc.

  • Wear your name badge

  • Help spot the birds

  • Help keep the group together

  • Help attendees with bird identification, often using a printed or electronic field guide is very helpful

  • Read TIPS


  • Follow all park rules. Stay on the trails. Do not go into the parks after hours.

  • Be prepared for emergencies. Read our safety protocols (provided in the left hand column).

  • Follow the “Volunteer Responsibilities” in the Volunteer Responsibilities, Volunteer Bill of Rights, and Volunteer Code of Conduct Agreement. (This is one of the documents you signed when you became a volunteer.)

  • It is recommended that you get vaccinated for COVID.

  • Follow all of our policies for attendees.

  • Follow the ABA code of ethics.

  • Limit the use of recordings and other methods of attracting birds, and never use such methods in heavily birded areas or for attracting any species that is threatened, endangered, of special concern, or is rare in your local area.

  • To avoid confusion regarding when a field trip officially starts, SCVBA prohibits leaders from carpooling with participants to and from field trip meeting locations. Leaders and participants may carpool together only after they have reached the initial meeting point and the field trip has officially begun. If a car accident occurs during the field trip, volunteers and participants are primarily responsible (SCVBA insurance is secondary).

  • Field trip leaders may not facilitate carpooling arrangements for our attendees. This is also to avoid being liable if something were to go wrong. If there are field trip attendees who wish to carpool, the leader may share their contact information so that they can make carpooling arrangements amongst themselves.

  • Trips cancel during Excessive Heat Warnings and Heat Advisories.  Trips also cancel when the AQI is 150 or over.